Fucking rain!!!

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
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So I woke up this morning to a fucking THUNDERSTORM. I then walked 10 minutes to class in said downpour, only to find out my class had been cancelled, so I had to walk back to my room, as the rain increased its intensity the entire way. I am drenched.
you need a raincoat the dope. badly! the worst is when you have to *sit* in class after your pants and shoes get soaked and you get cold and feel squishy. so at least it was cancelled. you'd have been soaked either way, you know?
The upside to the rain is that my room was actually a comfortable temperature when I woke up this morning, as opposed the broiling-hot nature it had adopted over the past week.
Yeah, they definitely switched over from AC to heat way too early this year. So even though I have this fancy new digital climate control unit, it doesn't do me an ounce of good.
i walked for twenty minutes in pouring rain yesterday to get from class to a restaurant i was meeting aysha at for dinner, sans umbrella and raincoat. i was almost there and my jacket hadn't entirely soaked through and i was like "this isn't going to be so bad" when this huge flood of water rushed from the reservoir and engulfed me and the bald man twenty feet in front of me (he shouted something that sounded like "WHOA DOGGIE") to nearly mid-calf height. seconds later, a car plowed by through the floor and sent a sheet of water over us like it had been thrown from a bucket.

the Chinese restauranteers probably did not enjoy the sight of one of their customers wringing out his socks at the table.