My days suck too. I can't SEE in the hall, never mind breathe from all the tobacco smoke. Then I have Health (Bullshit) and English (More Bullshit).
After this year (Freshman) I will have all 3 years of Required HS math done

. But I like Math...
And when someone was playing Linkin Park on speakers at lunch, I gave them a CD, said it was a good metal band, pretty popular too. Well, Mystic Circle is pretty popular in the German underground death metal scene

. That's One CD-R I won't regret losing.
And of course, I am a loser because I don't wear clothes from Abercrombie. Even the goths here suck. The few punks are actual punks, they go to anti conformist political rallys. And of course, metal kills brain cells, which is why the smartest people in the school listen too it.
And today I got sent to the dean for bringing a disposable plastic fork outside the cafeteria.
And the "cool" people say I'm stupid. Try getting 1260 on the SAT's when you're 13. (690M/570V)