
I think they're no good hardcore rockstars for leaving the faithful masses out in the freezing cold for hours...builders in my arse :D
Awesome band. Repeater is still my favorite though Argument (last effort) was very strong too. They also have their own label and therefore are completely independent from any kind of cheating, lying record company cunt.... Respect!
Yeah, they've stuck to their ethics all the way along. Theyve been offered loads of money to sign to big labels but they really dont wanna be part of that shit. Loads of bands complain about the label theyre on but not many do anything about it, which is a pity. It was a bit cold in Dublin waiting for them to let us in but they were helping to build the venue all day, so they said. Ian Mackaye still looks like an angry P.E. teacher though, and Guy looks like me mate Chezzy:lol:
Originally posted by airman
I regret that I didn´t see them when they came to Iceland 3years ago
stupid me,
my brother went & he said they were great

To understand how shity things are here concerning gigs, just look at that.... They played Iceland (?!?!?!?!?!) but they 'll never come down here.... Booo hooo hooo...... I feel so unimportant....

:cry: :yell:
ohhh believe me more bands tour Greece than Iceland (maybe that´s some comfort?)
Since were talking about rich and trendy popstars, I think that Madona's latest videoclips are fantastic. Not the music but the clips. Great camera work, innovative stories shown, I don't think there's something even close to that now...
Fugazi has always been a band that I've respected for sticking to their roots. I have a few live shows of theirs, which are really good. I wish I had gone to see them last year for only $5. The distance was a bit much, though. I am sure they put on an amazing live show. I definitely need to check out more studio albums.
Yeah but what if the promoter wants more to cover costs (venue, plane tickets, food, etc.)? I guess they won't perform at all then. That's why they'll never come here.... Booo hooo hooo......