dying and that

you're walking in the woods and oh suddenly, out of the blue there's this wall on your road. what do you think is behind it?

... and your answer should be how you see life after death. thank you woman magazines.
what happens when we are being born? one step forward, that's all. I wonder what questions dead people have next :)
Dead is the personal end. I'm absolutely certain about this.

The rest of life will continue as long as laws of physics allow it to.
siderea said:
you're walking in the woods and oh suddenly, out of the blue there's this wall on your road. what do you think is behind it?
... and your answer should be how you see life after death. thank you woman magazines.

Things with teeth, crows, whooshing noises and a big fuck off piano.
Should I be worried?
though i had something like: it's dead quiet and then hearing that 'be carefull with your axe eugene' scream at the other side.
perhaps i'll return as an axe. it might be nice. well, it would have been if indians were still free people