ThraxDude said:I don't think so, but I will tell Tim Dralle* to go global with it.
*Best Anthrax Manager Ever
ok, its just i swear ive seen the kiss style shirt around
ThraxDude said:I don't think so, but I will tell Tim Dralle* to go global with it.
*Best Anthrax Manager Ever
.ThraxDude said:If every one of us would just buy a T-shirt from Full On Clothing, the world would be a better place.
Mr Wu said:Yes. Listen to Thraude.
Why is this shirt called Space Invaders - I know it looks like the game or some shit like that. Either way it's so totally much like the orange electric beast when Scooby and the gang were chillin' at the ski resort.ThraxDude said:
Actually, I think that last shirt was from some other videogame... I forget the name of that game. Berzerker? Something?DarbysDad said:And you got your wish Tad - I just ordered 4 shirts for the family. Does that mean I get to go down on the girl T-shirt model:hotjump: :hotjump:
ThraxDude said:Not!
I was actually thinking that the link would be to fullon, and not a real link to space invaders. I would get one of those for concert going, but already have my concert going shirt picked out. Hot Poop shirt from, www.hotpoop.comThraxDude said:you can play Space Invaders for Free here.