Full song w.real drums,TripleX,5105.. Pt.2


Jun 20, 2007
Hi again,

I've decided to do another thread about my mix and explain a little bit more what effects that i used etc. I agreed with you guys thinking that it was a little bit scoped in the mid area, so I've updated the mix for ya'. Also on my soundclick profile you will find stems of the tracks unmixed just for you guys to hear what i had for basic condition to work with.

The track: Adventures Fail - Tear me open.

First off to pictures on the mix window:

Drums and bas:


As you can see I've sent all the drums to a bus including the toms (tom bus to drum bus). The original drums sounded like crap so I decided to replace the kick drum and put a trigg on the snare, i would say that the snare is blended Trigg 60/40%. Then i send both channels of snares to a bus--> drum bus, just the get a little bit more punch out of it.

The Overheads are compressed with waves SSL plugin a few db's and then also some hall reverb just to get it to fit in to the mix a little bit better.
I've also putted a side chain compressor ducking the snare in the OH.

The bas have quite a bit of effects on it just because it did not sound that good to start with. I've also putted a side chain compressor ducking the Bas against the bas drum.

Guitars and Vox


Guitars are Triple XXX blended with a 5150, say 70/30% with the Triple X dominating. Nothing much done more then eq it a bit. Usually when the guitars are quad tracked i put em like L/R and then L80/R80 but its so much going on in the song so i decided to put em all L/R.
Lead guitars have a delay and some reverb from the Hall reverb bus.


All channels is directed to the vox bus. the multiband compressor (Waves C4)
really does miracles to the voice. It really smooths and evens it up and makes it sound really pro. Its raised in the mid and high register a few db.
The delay is set to the tempo of the song i think i putted it on eights, quite low, but just to make the vocals bigger. And then a send from the Hall reverb.

If you have any questions i will try to answer them as soon as possible.

Cheers / Christian
Dude thanks for the screen shots and info. :worship:

I'M not around speakers at the moment so i will get back to you when i hear this new mix. Plus I'm sure i can find some more questions to ask! :heh: