Full track preview from my upcoming album!


has the groove.
Jul 11, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
So basically I've got a new album coming out on the 26th of September for free download called 'Cassini' and this is the title track for it.

Let me know what you think and hopefully you may be tempted to download it when it's released! Cheers!

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The drums are a tad bit too compressed... they get a little lost and the overheads pump a little, but other than that, it's sounding good man. I'm really diggin the guitar tone! What gear was used? Signal chain?
I think this is sick!
It needs some vocals in my opinion.
But, good use of Bb! :)

Unfortunately I can't sing to save myself! The album itself will be completely instrumental as a result. I'm glad you like the track and yeah, Bb is a key I never ever really use so I'm glad I found a place for it on my record!

The drums are a tad bit too compressed... they get a little lost and the overheads pump a little, but other than that, it's sounding good man. I'm really diggin the guitar tone! What gear was used? Signal chain?

I can see where you're coming from on the drums. I guess over on sevenstring.org that's how everybody tries to mix Superior Drummer.

The guitar is all amp simulation. I ran Guitar Rig 4 in front with a noise gate, compressor and a tubescreamer as a boost. As the main ampsim, I used Poulin Legion and I used Poulin Lecab with two Recabinet Mesa Boogie impulses. Then for post processing I did a boost at 100Hz for more beef to the tone and use Stillwell's rocket compressor (I know broadband compression isn't really the done thing with guitar but it works well!)

Thanks for the input and I'm glad you like the tone!

Any more feedback guys?
The drums are a tad bit too compressed... they get a little lost and the overheads pump a little, but other than that, it's sounding good man. I'm really diggin the guitar tone! What gear was used? Signal chain?

Yeah something is killing those OH's as they are pumping like a 12yo boy. Mix overall sounds decent. It just sounds like it's being pushed way too hard. Do you know what the RMS is on this? Something about this track is making me dizzy when I listen.
I like it a lot!

Cheers man!

Yeah something is killing those OH's as they are pumping like a 12yo boy. Mix overall sounds decent. It just sounds like it's being pushed way too hard. Do you know what the RMS is on this? Something about this track is making me dizzy when I listen.

I've never heard that analogy before :lol: Might be the multiband compression on the master, I've probably set the release too long on the 3kHz band. I didn't notice until you guys pointed it out here! (Also, RMS of what? I'm a physics student and I have about half a dozen different RMS's to remember!)

Any more feedback guys? It's been really helpful so far!