Fun fact thread!


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Rules: one fun fact per post!


If you add together the growth of every individual hair, your total hair growth daily is about 30 meters.

If you are flamable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit
1.Cannabis and hemp are the same. "Marijuana" was the Mexican name given to cannabis.

2.Cannabis was first cultivated in China around 4000B.C.

3.The original drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper.

4.One acre of hemp will produce as much paper as four acres of trees.

5.Hemp is a source of fiber for cloth and cordage for rope. The hemp fiber is located inside the long stem of the plant.

6.George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. Washington, our first president, declared,"Make the most of the hemp seed. Sow it everywhere."

7.Hemp seed is natures perfect food. The oil from hemp seeds has the highest percentage of essential fatty acids and the lowest percentage of saturated fats.

8.Sterilized hemp seeds are often sold a bird food.

9.Rolling papers, like Bambu, are made from hemp paper.

10.In 1937, the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act prohibited the use, sale, and cultivation of hemp/marijuana in the United States.

11.Five years later, during World War II, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released the film,"Hemp for Victory," which encouraged American farmers to grow hemp for the war effort.

12.Hemp is cultivated all over the world. Today, China, Korea,Italy, Hungary, Russia and France are amoung the countries that grow hemp for fiber, paper and other products.

13.Cannabis is classified as a schedule 1 drug by the Food and Drug Administration. Designated as a narcotic, it cannot be prescribed to patients.

14.In 1988, the DEA's own administrative law judge concluded that "marijuana is one of the safest, therapeutically active substances known to man".

15.Cannabis can be used as a medicine to treat nausea, pain and muscle spasms. It alleviates symptoms of glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, migraines and other debilitating aliments.

16.Thirty-five states have passed legislation permitting medical use of marijuana.

17.Twelve Americans receive prescribed marijuana from the U.S. government.

18.More than 400,000 Americans are arrested each year on marijuana charges.

19.More than 400,000 Americans die from diseases related to cigarette smoking each year. More than 150,000 Americans die of alcohol abuse each year. But in 10,000 years of usage, no one has ever died from marijuana.
Doomcifer said:
no one has ever died from marijuana.

That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard. You're still inhaling a whole lot of smoke that damages the cilia and whatever in your lungs, and all that! Trying to justify smoking weed like this is just as fucking moronic as trying to justify Christianity as a means to placate people with regards to what will happen to them after death.

That said, I fuckin love cannabis/marijuana/hemp/whatever you wanna call it!

The African Marimba frog produces 40 litres of sperm every day. The sperm is used as glue when the Marimba frogs build nests, as well as fertilizing fresh Marimba eggs.
FUN FACT #10 (I guess):

Gromits smoke weed. Gromits are frequently annoying, selfish and two-faced. Bullying the ones who are 'depressed'/self-harming/going into counselling or whatever is great fun and they should thank you for it in later life as it builds character :)

Laurence Cottle, the bassist on Headless Cross by Black Sabbath, plays on the Eric Cla[ton song It's In The Way That You Use It which appeared in the film The Color Of Money and opens the August album.