Fun Interview in Vampire-Magazine with Peter From In Flames! Click Here.

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
Hi, this is Ron from Vampire magazine speaking.
-Hey this is Peter from In Flames.
Heeeyyy…. (Ron: I’m a bit baffled at this moment)
-How are you doing?
I think we already talked to each other at the Wacken festival, right?
-Yeah I recognize the name of the magazine.
Okay! Well, I expected Björn to call me but…
-Yeah, there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding. Most people do.
-I feel really psyched talking to people now hehe.
-No, but seriously if you want to do that then there’s no problem in the rescheduling.
Nono! I don’t care, I mean you you’re also a member of In Flames so I can harass you with the questions as well hehe.
-That’s good, that’s good.

Alrighty then, how many interviews have you been doing so far.
-Uuuhhh… I lost count. Around 350, no I don’t know. Uhm, 30, 40 today maybe.
Hmmhmm, and was today (19th February 2004) also that signing session I read about on the Nuclear Blast website?
-That was yesterday.
Okay, and did people actually show up for that?
-Yeah definitely! That was okay. I mean the office is in the middle of nowhere basically so for what it was, definitely.
Because it seems a bit strange to me since it’s on a weekday… for me and other people have to work and taking a day off for some signing session isn’t really something one does to please the employer.
-Yeah I guess so.
But the German fans are probably kind of…
-They’re kind of dedicated.
Yeah, I guess they spend all their days of leave throughout the year to visit all the signing sessions hehe.

But tell us, how are the reactions on the new album so far?
-So far so great actually. There has been a lot of good responses and there is always a bit criticism when we release something. Always has been and always will be I guess. And that’s more than welcome as long it’s constructive. But most people seem to really enjoy it.
Could you tell us some more about what criticism people give?
-Well, I guess it’s always the way of people saying that we should make another “Jester race”. And we never will. Well, I guess that’s it basically.
Personally I think that’s a bullshit comment to make another “Jester race” because I don’t really understand why people can think that that’s your best album. It’s not in my opinion…
-No, I mean I’m really proud of every album but it’s just that we never think backwards. We are not one of these bands that’s gonna go back to our roots or anything like that. We always try to evolve and always will.

Since the bio letter didn’t mention it, who produced the album and where was it recorded?
-Daniel Bergstrand, same guy who did “Reroute to remain”. And the way we recorded this time was a bit different. We did the drums in the studio Dug Out as last time. But this time we wanted to do something different, we wanted to do it ourselves a little bit more.
So we brought him and his co-producer Örjan Örnkloo with us to Denmark where we had rented this like big mansion. And we built two control rooms in there by ourselves, with like you know… mattresses and blankets. Basically improvising in making the unique sound that we wanted to create. And we recorded everything else there. We built a singing booth and we put one guitar cabinet behind a mattress in the corner and one in the shower (Ron: haha, that’s cool!). Just to create something totally different and make it a lot more challenging for us than before.
-And this was mainly because we wanted to have a really nice atmosphere to record the album that wasn’t in a studio. A studio is usually quite, you know, sterile and we wanted like a home. And we wanted to be there for some time and just relax and do everything as in the best way that we could.
We really didn’t want to get up in the morning and travel a long way to a studio that we’ve done before. We wanted to be there.

If I remember correctly, you told me at the Wacken festival that you had recorded the drum tracks by then. So I guess the Denmark thing happened in the fall of 2003.
-Let me think… no, the drum tracks were recorded directly after Wacken I think.
-But yeah, I think we had a few weeks in between we started the actual rest of the recording and the drums.

Do you have a personal favorite song on the new album?
-Yeah, I guess I do. I have a few, but one of my favorite is “F(r)iend” the first song. It’s the most brutal song I think we ever made. At the same time it’s extremely groovy and kind of catchy but most people will raise an eyebrow when they listen to that one because it’s different.
And some of the other favorite ones?
-“Evil in the closet” is also different because of the exact opposite as what I just mentioned. It’s a very mellow song, it’s kind of like a ballad of the 1980-ties but we did a sort of In Flames version of it. It’s definitely the most mellow In Flames song we’ve ever done.
Hmmhmm. Then I guess my colleague Joost, who is sitting right next to me, wasn’t so far off when he said it reminded him a little bit of Duran Duran.
-Hahahaha!! I wouldn’t… I don’t know.
Hahaha. (I hear Joost chuckle in the background)
-I dont know if that’s a compliment or not. I like Duran Duran but hahaha.
-That was funny, say thank you haha.

There are also some non-album songs that are featured on the single of “The quiet place”. What songs are on it?
-Well it’s a remix of “My sweet shadow” made by Örjan Örnkloo. He’s the guy who’s responsible for most of the electronics on the album. And he wanted to do like a club thing, like a really weird version of one of the songs. And we just said, hey choose one and go, basically.
And then we have this famous Swedish traditional folk song called “Värmlandsvisan”, which is done in a small live place. Those are the two non-album tracks.
Okay, that’s interesting because my favorite song is “My sweet shadow” so I’m interested to hear that club version.
-Yeah, let me say it’s completely different.
Hehe, yeah probably!

Why aren’t these extra songs on the album, “Reroute to remain” had 14 songs on it…

-Mainly because we wanted to… I mean when we release a single it shouldn’t be that people buy the same song that is on the album. Because that would be useless, I mean we’re not in it to make some money you know. We’re only in this industry to make music.
And we wanted people to get something special with the single, because we have to release a single alongside the video. And we wanted to make something more with it so that people will actually get their money’s worth.
So, that’s why.
Didn’t it also have to do a bit with you might have thought that “Reroute to remain” was a bit lengthy or too long?
-No! We didn’t think so. A lot of people actually have comments like that but I think for us it’s like… We are not a band who write 50 songs and then choose the best ones to make an album. We write the amount of songs that we do and for “Reroute to remain” it became 14 songs and we decided to put all of them on the record. Just because we didn’t know which one we should remove in that case you know.

You already mentioned the video clip of “The quiet place”, what’s in it, how does it look like?
-It’s a very dark video. I’ll say a very dark emotions sort of video. Not like any gothic video you’ve ever seen or something like that. But it’s the first time you see In Flames kind of acting. And this is not all us just standing upside down and play. You know, it’s basically Anders going to the movie theatre, he’s falling asleep and waking inside his own head basically. Just some twisted ideas and thoughts that he might have and whatever goes on there is shown in the video.
It sounds a little bit like “Being Anders Friden”… hehe
-Yeah, sort of haha!

How was the album written with all the touring you do? Was it in between tours or do you write on tour?
-No, we don’t really write on tour. I mean sometimes I guess a riff can come up here and there but it was in between. It started in the beginning of 2003 with Jesper and Björn doing all their riffs for the record. And we rented a house also in Denmark in May last year. We went there to do the pre-production and then they brought all their ideas and showed them to us. Some songs were kind of structured already but the rest we did together when they showed us the ideas and we just jammed the songs to make the arrangements of them.
And at the time we had no vocals on them so we took everything back to Sweden when we were done, we recorded it on like a hard drive. And by then we had 11 songs so we spent the next couple of months going on tour, bringing the music with us and just listening to it and thinking about what we could change in order to make the perfect record. Two more songs were written and we went and visited a studio where all the structures were done. And some of the arrangements instrumentwise came about in the studio with some improvisation. So we had the 13 songs that we recorded and one which is going to be released as a bonus track on the Japanese edition of the album.
Will this song also be made available in Europe at some time?
-Yeah, I think so. It usually does after some time.

So if I understand correctly it’s Björn and Jesper who bring in the basic input and the rest of the members added their own input to that.
-Absolutely! I mean they show us the ideas that they have. Sometimes they might have an almost finished song arranged and everything, and sometimes it’s just a riff and then we can arrange and think what would fit together. And then Anders does all his lyrics and vocal melodies by himself.
So Anders is the only person who comes up with the vocal lines and harmony vocal ideas?

Okay, since I don’t have a lyric sheet, could you tell something about the lyrics?
-No I usually don’t comment about the lyrics since it’s Anders’, you know it’s his baby. And I don’t want to get anything wrong basically. It’s better if you try and get in contact with him for that specific part.
But a song title like “Superhero of the computer rage” is quite self-explanatory…
-Maybe, or maybe not!
Ah, haha.
-Maybe it’s all irony. You never know.
Aha, you should give me Anders his phone number than I guess!
(unfortunately, Peter’s response is inaudible, perhaps he’s calling me names in Swedish haha)

When we had that little chat at the Wacken festival you told me that you were already working on the album. I don’t know whether it’s the normal way of how things go in the music business, but isn’t it strange to have to wait 7 months before it’s finally released?
-We’ve never waited so long either but we decided to take the time to take a break. And try to focus on our personal lives for a change also. Because as soon as the album is released there won’t be a break for a long time and we hadn’t had one for like so long. But it was kind of suitable, we recorded the album, we did the video and then we had Christmas you know. It was just that we needed to take some time at home, basically.
So you’ve probably recharged the batteries now.
-Yeah absolutely! And I’m eager, more eager than ever to go on tour now.
Okay! What are the current touring plans?
-We will start April 16th in Gothenburg in Sweden, and then continue on throughout Europe. After that we’ll head over to the U.S., back to Europe to do the summer festivals, some of them. And then hopefully we’ll try and head over to Australia and South America and stuff like that. Places where we’ve never been before but where we always wanted to go.
After that we’ll come back and do Europe again, the U.S. And then I guess we’ll try to do a new record in and by the year 2005 or something.
Haha, busy schedule!
Is it already official with what bands you’ll be touring with?
-Nothing that’s confirmed yet. No, sorry. As soon as we know we’ll put it up on the webpage.
But perhaps there are some interesting billings being constructed while we speak?
-Uhm, how do you mean?
Well for example if you were to tour with, whatever, let’s say Justin Timberlake?
-Oh no, Justin won’t be joining us for this tour.
-Maybe the next one haha.


Since In Flames is touring their asses off AND is quite productive in releasing new material: do you consider In Flames a live band or a studio band?
-A live band. That’s where we enjoy ourselves the most. I mean the studio is just basically to… it’s of course to put our music out but we’re not in the studio when we’re not recording anything. And live is where we have always enjoyed ourselves the most, that’s basically why all of us started to play music. Because we really love to perform and that’s the greatest reward when you see somebody really getting off to our music. That’s more than words can express, it’s great!

By the way, who made the artwork?
-Niklas (Ron: Sundin, also in Dark Tranquillity). From Cabin Fever Media who also did the artwork for the last one and the live album too.
Yeah I already suspected he made it but again it wasn’t mentioned in the bio letter. So I’d better ask.
-Okay. Yeah he does it in collaboration with us. He gets Anders’ lyrics and they talk about the topics and stuff like that and then he gets to express the way he wants it to look, and after that he presents it to us. And we may add or talk about it if we want to change something or if it’s okay.

Uhm, if I remember correctly it’s already several years ago when Niklas and Anders were trying to get a project started by the name of Dead Men’s Banquet or Dead Hand’s Banquet. Do you know anything about this?
-I have no idea.
Hehe, no problem. I think it’s 4 years ago or perhaps even longer when I read about this.

I also read that Regain Records will do re-releases of “Lunar strain” and “Subterranean”. Did the band have any influence on that? Why are these albums re-released again?
-Because something he’s basically exploiting that we have a new record coming out. Because that’s our old label and he owns the rights to release those two records. And I personally think it’s kind of low. I mean I understand definitely that he would do that because of the business point of view.
I mean I just hope that people will know that these are ten year old recordings. And even though we’re very proud of them, they do not represent what we sound like nowadays. So that people know that it’s not a new In Flames record. And for our new fans I think that it might be mistaken for that. So I’m not too keen on that he’s doing it. Because like you said they have already been re-released once.
Yeah and it was also Regain Records and back then it was both albums on one CD with two bonus tracks. I don’t know if that version is sold out or anything but it’s strange indeed.
-Yeah, I think it’s… I don’t like it at all. Like I said, those albums were great back then but there’s only Jesper remaining from that period. So basically it doesn’t have much to do with the way we sound these days, even though we play a few songs here and there of those records.
But I mean it’s good if people really want those albums, as long as everybody knows when they were recorded and stuff like that. So that they don’t become cheated and think it’s the new record.

Okay, now for some fun questions! Are you up for that?
If you had to choose between performing live butt-naked or while wearing corpsepaint, which one would you choose?
-A woman did you say?
No… hahaha!! That’s Freudian wishful thinking haha!
If you had to choose between performing live butt-naked or while wearing corpsepaint, which one would you choose?
-Uh… butt-naked.
Aha, butt-naked it is! Well that might give you some ecstatic females in the audience.
-Yeah, or maybe not haha.
If In Flames were giving the choice to record a song with either Christina Aguilera or with Björk, what would you choose?
-Christina Aguilera.
Just because of the looks or do you also prefer her singing style?
-I prefer her singing style.
-And because of the looks.
Well, the next question was actually meant for Björn but I might as well ask you, when was the last time someone told Björn to shave?
-Hahahahaha! We don’t, I can’t tell you. We don’t dare telling that to Björn!
Well he looks a bit like Captain Caveman, doesn’t he?
-Yeah! But I think it’s cool haha!


Next one, will the Swedish soccer team win the European Championship in Portugal this year?
Haha, yeah I had that answer coming!
-Was there ever any doubt?
And what will be the final match, Sweden versus…
-Hmmm… Sweden versus uhm… Brazil.
Ah, Brazil but it’s an European Championship so…
-Yeah true, but I’m not much of a soccer fan so I don’t have any clue.
-I know Brazil is not in Europe haha.
But let’s say Sweden-Germany.
Okay, that’s going to be interesting since the German team will have to beat Holland first.
-Aha, haha.

Ahum, let’s see. The year 2003 is behind us, left scattered in the past. If you look back on it musically, how do you perceive on it?
-Regarding In Flames or just…
No, regarding the appearances of new bands, the music industry and stuff like that.
-Uhm… the music industry in itself I understand that that went down the last couple of years. There have been a lot of cutdowns and such. As always I think it’s sad but that’s the way it is and I can’t do anything about it.
But there were some really good bands making new records. For instance, Chimaira came out with their latest release (Ron: The impossibility of reason) which is really really great. And uhm, Soilwork’s latest album (Ron: Figure number five). Was that 2002 or 2003?
Yeah, 2003 I think.
-What else was there? Hmm, The Haunted.
Yeah, and Peter Dolving is back!
-Yeah, he’s back.
I really like him being back in The Haunted…
-Yeah me too actually. I really like Marco’s singing too but if I had to choose I think that Peter made The Haunted a little bit more original.
-Yeah, there was a lot of good stuff in 2003. A lot of great tours happening and lots of interesting stuff that we’re going to hear of soon I guess. Bands’ stuff I mean.
A good year.

Okay, these were all of my questions for now.
So thank you for your time, again haha, and I’m sure you’ll play in the Netherlands on the upcoming tour…
So I’ll see you live then!
-Yeah! Take care.