Fun Metal Quiz

haha, for the question "Who was the singer of Elf, Rainbow, and Black Sabbath" it actually shows you a photo of the correct answer. :) (and RIP!)

EDIT This happened for like 10 questions in a row. Playing with images turned on really helps give some of these away.
Yeah but you can always uncheck image clue on the start page Tycho. I always leave it on as it helps even though sometimes it's absolutely beyond obvious!

Dolamite - you should take out categories you are not good at. You get less points but you might stay in the game longer and get more points. I can't get really close to my 3960 at the moment. mid 2000s is the best I can do before I get a dodgy question with no lifelines left and a wrong guess. I hate the Kiss questions - I always get them wrong but you can start to memorise the answers after a while.
wow thats great Claus. Did you cheat? hehe! I know it's not possible to cheat as there is a time limit to answer each question unless you are magical at google searching. Do you remember how many questions that score took? And did you leave all the boxes checked so as to get the maximum score of 220 each time?
wow thats great Claus. Did you cheat? hehe! I know it's not possible to cheat as there is a time limit to answer each question unless you are magical at google searching. Do you remember how many questions that score took? And did you leave all the boxes checked so as to get the maximum score of 220 each time?

Nope, didn't cheat, sorry :)

I've got no idea how many questions, can't even remember which one I failed, oh well. I'm OLD, my memory has a lot of holes.

Yeah, I left all boxes checked.

It looks like the day rolled over and started the daily chart again. New opportunities to be #1!! :) Unfortunately it appears to have wiped out Claus's conquest.

Just for shits and giggles, I un-checked EVERY box and pressed "Play". I still got a bunch of questions including a funny one about St. Anger. When I got my first question wrong (which was the St. Anger one) I got this message: "Your gamedata has been deleted. Point average in your game was false and therefore we cannot accept your points."
I got a yes/no question today: Matt Barlow left Iced Earth to become a lawyer.

I hit "no" but that was the incorrect answer. Hrrmmmm... I was kicking booty, on question 18 with all life lines remaining.

I got a yes/no question today: Matt Barlow left Iced Earth to become a lawyer.

I hit "no" but that was the incorrect answer. Hrrmmmm... I was kicking booty, on question 18 with all life lines remaining.


Yeah several of the questions aren't submitted correctly, so you might click the right answer but you still loose the game :(
PureXul posted a massive score. He must have got all his Finnish mates round the computer to help him! :)
I happened to get a lot of easy questions and got a couple of extremely lucky guesses. There's also a bonus question that popped up around 7500 points and was worth 3000 points...that helped a little. :lol: