In middle school (junior high), I had a paper route. For eleven months, I saved up to buy a Yamaha classical (my first ever guitar purchase) and later an Aria Pro Stray Cat and Fender Sidekick 10.
In high school, I decided I wanted a new amp. I worked the supermarket like Kenneth for a summer. I quit because the company would not pay attention to the work hours I requested and they repeatedly scheduled me to work during soccer practice. Don't screw with the fotty! I bought a Crate G212. Yes, I did have to cut my hair for this job. But, I got my amp.
My minor purchases, pedals and the like, usually came as birthday or Christmas presents. I had a pretty sweet sound with my G212 and three DOD pedals - EQ, compressor, and Hard Rock Distortion. The EQ I put after the pre-amp and it totally made the sound scream. I remember in college one of my guitar buddies wanted to trade me his Randall half stack (yes, we lived in the dorms
) for my set up.
After college, I tried to keep my hair, but after three failed interviews I decided it was time to cut it. I got offers on my next two interviews and accepted one. I haven't grown my hair back since. It's so much easier to take care of without all those grooming hassles. But, once I got a "real" job, I could pretty much buy whatever I wanted to. The only problem is that I didn't. Now I'm married and my paycheck, however big it grows to, goes to other family endeavors rather than my guitar equipment. In fact, I no longer have a music room in the house since Junior came along in July. I do keep a guitar at my office though.