Financing a Band / Earning a Living


Electric Monk
Jan 24, 2003
Painesville, Ohio
Visit site
I have very little specific knowledge, if any, of how much money a band actually earns from the sale of a CD or concert ticket, but it struck me the other day that it must take huge sales for a band like Enchant to break even.

This thought struck me as I read Ebass' comment that the members of Jadis have jobs.

Consider a yearly salary of $60,000, which isn't that much in today's world, especially in certain locations of the U.S.A. For each member to earn that, sales (CD, ticket, merchandise) would have to total $300,000!

But then you have to consider:

1. The band doesn't get 100% of the proceeds
2. Equipment must be purchased and maintained
3. Studio costs
4. Manufacturing costs

So... the actual amount of required income must be phenomenal!

Members of bands such as Enchant and Jadis, continue to put out excellent quality music, while maintaining jobs outside of the band. This has got to involve a delicate balance between family, music, and their jobs. I've greatly generalized it, but the financial requirements must be huge even if the rewards are small.

It's just incredible when I think about it.

Each Enchant CD we listen to has this huge financial burden between their love for making music, and our love of listening.

Well... that's my take on it..

Thanks for the music.
I find it deeply disturbing that people of brilliance are reduced to day jobs. Imagine going back in time and telling DaVinci that he had to stop working on his inventions and paintings in order to shovel manure.

Meanwhile there are other people in the world like "Hillary Duff" that do nothing but sing yet will still manage to pull in enough money from her career that she'll never have to do anything but sing for her entire life...if she were to live modestly, of course.

I don't know how Enchant, Jadis, and all the others do it. It would drive me insane to be able to have such incredible talent and still be surrounded by extremely successful individuals that never needed talent.

In a way, I'm glad I'm not extremely good at anything in particular.
Unfortunately, Life is just not fair. Talent, skill, and honesty sometimes just don't cut it.

Enchant just does this for the love of making awesome music. Its special that we get to share in their masterpieces.


--- Gotta go to the store for bread, milk, and especially toilet paper, b/c Hurricane Isabel is going to smack us.
jjmannford said:
Unfortunately, Life is just not fair. Talent, skill, and honesty sometimes just don't cut it.

Enchant just does this for the love of making awesome music. Its special that we get to share in their masterpieces.


--- Gotta go to the store for bread, milk, and especially toilet paper, b/c Hurricane Isabel is going to smack us.
Well said, Jim...! It is a shame we in the US are forced to listen to CC drivel when there is such quality, talent, and meaning out there, such as that found in our beloved Enchant.

As for the hurricane, yep, she's a coming...right up the bay! Luckily she's a fraction of what she was a couple days ago in terms of strength and speed.

They did order evacuations on the NC Outer Banks at noon today!

Take care everyone!
My house is in south Jersey and I'm in college right now in its path is PA. Not good for me... :ill: I hope it dies down and doesn't do anytthing bad.

That being said, the way major labels rape artists these days, some bands are lucky they don't have to deal with that shit. I wish Enchant could be bigger and have a much larger following and maybe they'll get a break(speaking of getting a break, I NEED this album) soon. Their music could do so well on the radio!

Thanks so much for this post! This took some real thought! time and effort to post! and you are very accurate in your estimates! this is the way it is! we do our best!

Oh yes one other thing! the personal sacrafice! It is enourmous! and we all know! Time Lost can not be re-gained! not ever!

You pretty much hit the nail on the head with this! But people like yourself and others that post here and many others that appreciate and "truly! really" support us and understand it all............ make it worth it!

You know who you are :)
"But people like yourself and others that post here and many others that appreciate and "truly! really" support us and understand it all............ make it worth it!"

I think it´s fantastic when the band members take the time to post on their own message board. That rules! :rock:

Btw, am I blind or how can I quote a text? I don´t find any buttons for that...
DiscoDave said:
If you hit the "reply" button under the post you'd like to quote, that'll do it.
Yes, that works. :) It´s just that I got used to other message boards where I have an extra button for that.