ebass Part of the band?


Electric Monk
Jan 24, 2003
Painesville, Ohio
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I always get a kick out of reading ebass' posts. It seems he's as big a fan of the other band members as we are, or even bigger.

I get a comical image in my head of him standing in the audience of an Enchant concert singing and playing air guitar with everyone else until security comes and reminds him that he's part of the band too.

Gotta love it...

"To the beautiful and the wise, the mirror always lies."

edit: I really know who ebass is, this is supposed to be a comical observation.
Thats pretty funny Frank! And what a great one!

And I will take that as a complimant! Although it is not that far off because I usually play wireless and often do go out in the crown and play air bass, although it is plugged in most of the time :)

And yes there is no bigger fan of Ted, Doug, Sean and Bill! Actually I was a fan long before this band was even called Enchant, before Doug even joined.

Hey not only are they amzing musicians but the best friends anyone could ever dream of!
Hi, Ed!

Could you please name some of your favourite bass players (not the likes of Geedy Lee or Steve Harris). I mainly refer to lesser known or more obscure names.

I got the idea from reading Steve DiGiorgio's post about his favourite bass players and he dropped some names like Michael Lepond, Randy Coven and Barry Sparks.

now playing: MARTY FRIEDMAN - Fuel Injection Stingray (featuring Barry Sparks, of course).

It is such fun to dig out recordings and listen to them again and again.

Btw, have you heard of Lars Norbert?
Hey Alberik

Thanks for asking, hey I like so many differant players and stlyes this is a toughie for me. Outside of the obvious super popular guys like Geddy, Jaco, Stanley, Mark King and Tony Levin there are tons more. I am more of an old schooler though.

I am not really familiar with the other guys you metioned outside of Coven who is great. I think a lot of players forget about the groove though when they are so into so much flash. A lot of prog or musician friendly players do a bit too much and forget about the bassists real job. We are really the glue the holds it all togather and the groove no matter how complicated or off time a piece may be? I do really like a lot of differant styes though, from John Myung to my unkown friends who just play covers in the local bars in town. Some of these guys are amazing.

I guess the ones that can walk into any gig wioth a crappy old Fender four string and a 1-15 piece of crap Peavy Amp and make it sound incredible are some of the best players.

I do also love all the crazy fusion, prog stuff too though and can play it but scaling all
over the place never did it for me. Although I do think John Myung may be the best at that. It all depends on who your playing with really. I put the tap and slap and other stuff in with the song in mind first and only when I think it fits. Alot of these virtiouso bassists just play all this insane stuff because they can or maybe it is an ego thing? I am not saying the guys you mentioned are because I have not heard them.

Some of my favorite players are the most basic and fundamental bassists. I think I look at versitilty as well, someone who can play anything and make it groove! The groove is everything for me. My roots come from the old motown guys and the super funky 70,s cats who just make it happen with the groove.

I have to say after watching Deve Meros every night for three weeks he may be my new favorite, he doesn,t get mentioned nearly enough. He is simply amazing to me.
His whole approach adn attitude towards it as well. Why is he not on the cover of Bass Player magazine when some other horrible players make it on there? go figure? Dave has been a huge influence on me and I admire him very much, so he is one.

Dave La Rue doesnt get mentioned enough either, he simply does it all! Bill Dickens is another damn there are so many! I am more from the jazz fusion slap funk school so I am really not into the scaling type of players or classical metal players. I admire them but they don,t do it for me at all. Some of that is OK and I even play a tad of it but only if the piece calls for it.

Jown Jowitt is a great player, Pete Trewaves is amazing too, he makes the song better with the less is more melodic approach. I guess I could go on an on hah.

There are a lot of straight up pop players that I really like too. They make the music better with the simplest melodies or little things they do.

Hey I will have to check these guys out though, and a bunch of others. I am behind on keeping up with all the greta bassists that are out there!

Thanks for the post! I hope this was not too long winded and answered your question. I could make a bigger list but it would take a while!
ebass said:
We are really the glue the holds it all togather and the groove no matter how complicated or off time a piece may be?
Amen brotha'! :grin:

Thanks for the post! I hope this was not too long winded and answered your question. I could make a bigger list but it would take a while!
I thought I was the only bassist that had the gift of gab! ;)

Keep in mind Ed, there are some bassist that look at you as one of the best kat's out there and think your talent is seriously overlooked. :worship:


Coming from you that is a big compliment! And you know I really appreciate that! big time! And Right back at you! another way overlooked player! you rule!

I just try and keep up with these Enchant guys! They rule! and Sean makes me sound good :) I am lucky!

NP Katagory V "No Response clip"
I always thought the bass player for Duran Duran was a monster bass player, No joke at all. :) I also have a question for inspiring musicians. Is there a program that will take your voice as you sing into a mic and turn it into a score? Vocal input instead of a device for music notation. I have all this music in my head and since my voice is my instrument this would be a great help. Enchant I still cant get over how you guys inspire me in my life, Are you christians? I hear alot of John Elafante in Teds voice, ever get that comparison? Ill slow down with the questions as I have alot more, Ive been busy with work and all or I would have been in the forums alot more. Thanks for all you do!
Ed is Enchant's biggest fan?

I guess that makes me Enchant's oldest fan - I was a fan of Doug and Ed's playing way back in the darkest of times - 1979/80 to be exact.

Guys - I'm going to really try to make it down for the shoot/show in Oakland. I think an early, pre-Epic/Mae Day/Enchant perspective might be kinda fun for the CD/DVD - like the idea?



Hey Man, I can't believe you even remember that Ed and I were in a band called EPIC! I'd almost forgotton myself.

For those who don't know EPIC...no one would, it was a 3 piece band that Ed & I started back in 85' with a drummer by the name of Ed "Maui" Jamieson, AKA, C.H.U.D. which stood for Chinese Hawiian Ugly Drummer. It was mostly instrumental, because no one could sing, but the stuff was cool! We had a song called "Squidly Diddly", that was hell of fun to play. A long peice called: "The White Falcon" and that's about as much as I remember too be honest. Ed was playing his old 4001 Rikenbacher that was this cool metallic grey with a mirror pick guard and I was playing my new, at the time, Jackson that I used on the Blueprint album. Fun times. I'll have to try and find the tape with all the stuff we did on it.

Anyway, Hope you can make it down to the show. What's it been like 20 years or something since we last saw each other? It would be good to see ya. Who knows maybe we could get Wes Brinkman to show up and have a reunion of sorts!:tickled: Did we even have a name for the band we played in together?

Take care,

Douglas A. Ott said:

Hey Man, I can't believe you even remember that Ed and I were in a band called EPIC! I'd almost forgotton myself.

For those who don't know EPIC...no one would, it was a 3 piece band that Ed & I started back in 85' with a drummer by the name of Ed "Maui" Jamieson, AKA, C.H.U.D. which stood for Chinese Hawiian Ugly Drummer. It was mostly instrumental, because no one could sing, but the stuff was cool! We had a song called "Squidly Diddly", that was hell of fun to play. A long peice called: "The White Falcon" and that's about as much as I remember too be honest. Ed was playing his old 4001 Rikenbacher that was this cool metallic grey with a mirror pick guard and I was playing my new, at the time, Jackson that I used on the Blueprint album. Fun times. I'll have to try and find the tape with all the stuff we did on it.

Anyway, Hope you can make it down to the show. What's it been like 20 years or something since we last saw each other? It would be good to see ya. Who knows maybe we could get Wes Brinkman to show up and have a reunion of sorts!:tickled: Did we even have a name for the band we played in together?

Take care,

Hey, Doug!

I don't think we ever had a name at that point, but I do remember us playing "Stevie" and having it almost sounds as goot as Travers & Thrall playing it (hehe).

If I'm able to get down there, I'll definitely look Wes up and see if we can get together. That would be indescribable! I'm not even sure if he's still a drummer - once you get music under your skin, who knows!

-- Scott
"I always thought the bass player for Duran Duran was a monster bass player, No joke at all."

Well, I agrree 100%! And, upon reading Jaco Pastorius' biography, I found out that late Alex Sadkin, who produced a couple of Duran Duran albums, has actually played with Jaco back in 1967 in a band Las Olas Brass!

For me, this vague Jaco 'reference' kind of explained the bass role in Duran Duran. Track 'Rio' has to be the baddest of them all ;)
scottk said:
Hey, Doug!

I don't think we ever had a name at that point, but I do remember us playing "Stevie" and having it almost sounds as goot as Travers & Thrall playing it (hehe).

If I'm able to get down there, I'll definitely look Wes up and see if we can get together. That would be indescribable! I'm not even sure if he's still a drummer - once you get music under your skin, who knows!

-- Scott
Bad news, Doug & Ed...

Due to the financial constraints caused by being, basically, out-of-work for 2 years due to the collapse in the IT Industry, I will be unable to attend. Unless some miracle happens, I don't see a way for me to be down there for the show and/or any kind of "reunion".

This is breaking my heart, guys - but know that I'll be there in spirit.

That sucks Scott

Maybe next time! Hopfully something changes and you can make it!

On the tapes Doug is talking about EPIC was was pretty cool! we did some cool stuff, I will have to dig myself! I know I have them somewhere!

I still love the version of Any color you like we did! do we have that on tape Doug! that was a sick groove! gotta find that one too! our version was way better than the one that was used!