Atsugi Concert


New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2006
Just a quick note to let ALL know that the Maidens put on a KILLER show for the service members in Japan. I was extremely impressed with you all, especially for taking time out after the show to sign autographs and meet the fans. I heard nothing but positives from the younger crowd, Thank you for enlightening them to the Maiden experience. MINI hope you enjoyed the beer, Aja don't cut your hair, Linda keep beating the skins in trur Nicko manner, Steph like it was said what is Maiden without a bass, Liz keep up the shredding, YOU ALL ROCKED.

Thanks again and hope to see you soon,

A true fan forever

Eric Powers
Glad you enjoyed the show Eric. :kickass:

See why those of us nearby see them every chance we can?:rock:

What were some highlight songs in the set?


The showed started with Wrathchild and from then on it was pure Maiden. Thier renditions of The Iron Maiden, 22 Acacia Avenue and Wasted Years rocked and were the highlights to me. It was my first time seeing the Maidens but it will not be my last, they completly nailed the set.

As always UP THE IRONS!!!!!


:kickass: thanks eric :kickass: yeah fun show - we were lucky to have the same pro sound guys as last time, and i wasn't stuck in a chair with a bum foot yay! at the merch table, our manager noticed that some of the service men prefered to have their shirts signed while they wore them.... :tickled: this was topped in guam with a pair of red panties! hahhaha!
MiniMurray said:
i wasn't stuck in a chair with a bum foot yay!

I cannot imagine you trying to play in a chair Sara. That must have driven you nuts to stay stationary. :goggly:

How much duct tape did it take to keep you in the chair? :lol:

Doodoobubbachuck said:
You are correct Spidey! She was flailing about so hard in her chair she fell over and didn't miss a note!! (and didn't get hurt any further either!) What a gal!

Please tell me somebody has a picture of Sara playing in the chair! :lol: :lol: :lol:

spideyjg said:
I cannot imagine you trying to play in a chair Sara. That must have driven you nuts to stay stationary. :goggly:

stationary would have been to stay home and not play ;) the thing that sucked was not being able to walk around and explore more - hehhe which brings us full circle back to how i met eric - looking for a beer!