funky - funky


Active Member
Oct 18, 2001

just wanna brag with my new homepage layout. that was a fucking work to translate all this in english. + the new flash menu...oof. so go forth and appreciate! this site is for people like you who sadly can not speak german (@hearse ;-) ).
nay, i want some serious comments, now that it's understandable what it's all about. thanks a lot in advance. p.s. it's not completed yet.

sincerely yours :D
that's pretty good (it's not as if i'm any judge anyway): i like the background colors/image and the menu frame (the animations are really fast, the code has to be very smooth!).

maybe the fonts in the mainframe are slightly too small - comparatively speaking.

overall impression: bowing to your genius. ;)

I like the way the animated words seem to float on to the page. Very well designed.

I think it is beautiful. :)
thank you @ all. i think i will adjust the text size, it's really a bit too small; i thought it would look sleeker...

@rahvin: actually, the code is spaghetti :D

there are lots of contents still missing on several pages, so i will adjust the font size when i know how much text there actually will be on one page. and i still have to redesign the band member page, it looks quite crappy imho.
but as for the more interesting things, i will upload pictures this weekend :)
I like the animated menu on the left very much! Nice idea! Hey, and where has the German version disappeared to (for all those blessed people versed in the German tongue ;)).
has gone off into the nirvana. my webspace sadly cannot handle databases and php... if so i just would have put the texts into the db and have one page which displays the desired language. but now i would have to edit both versions manually, and that's too much work, sorry.
but i DO have one page in german on the net (yeah, one!), but not related to my band mad clown. there are some pictures taken on the dynamo 1999. so if you like...
and I thought this was a thread about the break out era of rap/hip hop music in the 80s lead by such land mark rappers as Grandmasta Flash and the Furious Five.......

Oh yeah nice web page.......
thx! just added some pictures to the site, so it will hopefully get a bit more interesting...