funniest song title ever?

Frank Zappa:

Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
Nanook Rubs It
Dong Work For Yuda
Prelude to the Afternoon of a Sexually Aroused Gas Mask
Didja Get Any Onya
Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?

(So many great ones, these are some of my personal faves...)

And a classic from Pink Floyd:

Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict

(Try getting really baked sometime and crank this one through some good headphones... o_O:zombie::loco:)

why does it hurt when i pee was a serious title with a touch of ironic comedy about it...afterall it's what killed him, so it's not that fucking funny when you think about it. that is the reason he kept returning to the doctors that told him it was nothing serious, the last time he returned he got the real diagnose of his illness.
Nile -Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is in the Water

Nuclear Rabbit - My girl got guts
Nuclear Rabbit - The pimp, the bitch and the magic beans
Nuclear Rabbit - Santa Claus is selling crack

Nekrogoblikon - Goblins are better than trolls

Messer Chups - Skeleton topless
Messer Chups - Devil out of fashion
Messer Chups - Zombie in mini skirt
Messer Chups - When a knife thrower missed the target
Messer Chups - Laughing gas attacking Jamaica
Messer Chups - Cut down a tree, seduced the child, burn up the house
Messer Chups - Go Satan Go!

5uu's - Penguins on Dizengoff

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - The Donkey-headed Adversary of humanity opens the discussion
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Sleep is wrong
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Spirit is a bone

Tub Ring - Requiem for a Robot
Tub Ring - Downloading Satan
Tub Ring - God hates astronauts

why does it hurt when i pee was a serious title with a touch of ironic comedy about it...afterall it's what killed him, so it's not that fucking funny when you think about it. that is the reason he kept returning to the doctors that told him it was nothing serious, the last time he returned he got the real diagnose of his illness.

Well, somehow I'd like to think that Frank would prefer us to keep our humor about it, but there is a fair amount of dark irony involved, isn't there? I choose to continue laughing at it, however, just the way he intended.

C'mon... the "My balls feel like a pair of maracas!" & "I caught it from the toilet seeeaaaaaaat!" lines alone are pretty conclusive proof that the song really shouldn't be taken too seriously! :lol:
people usually dont need spells to defend themselves from crocodiles i guess