Explain your title...

Ok,i am a troll..... ;)
transformed into a normal being since i left my cave in the cold dark and misty mountains....yet my ears still remind me of my past :p :p
|3373r than you

means i am more elite than the one who reads it. of course written in evil h4x0rz-font

Mine is the title of a Mushroomhead song. (Yes, I like Mushroomhead. Sue me.) And I just like how "To much nothing" sounds. It might have a deeper meaning, but I can't think of how to explain it.
I've gone through so many of these over time. This current one just implies my state mind, my "tone" as I write... "certain" posts. And, it's an attitude I tend to get in real life with I have to deal with "certain" people.

I'm thinking of going back to "Pixel Manipulator", a reference to how I refer to myself in the liner notes of Thales' Demo....
whats more metal than beer and metal, together? thusly, we all know that the only TRUE way to record is by drunkenly abusing 4-tracks! Duh....:rolleyes:
When I was on the bowlers tour my roomate used to call me shotmaker because I usually made good shots especially near the end of matches.