The Lord of the YaYoGakk trilogy: Part 1: The Fellowship of the Internet Appearance

i get two thankyou's for the same thing, seperated by 24 minutes?

and yes avatars are identity, when i changed mine i changed from one calvin picture to another, didnt want to have to start again with the whole 'getting noticed' type thing.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
I try to look beyond the typed word now. There are several reasons for that:

1. some people can't type (like myself)
2. not everybody here is well versed in the English language
3. it's difficult to express ones self in this manner (at least for some)

Whether I'm reading perfectly formed thread responses, or those that "look" like they were written by a second grader, I think of the above. I try to look at the thought process of the person who posted - I can't judge them on what I see. A majority of people who have posted here have a lot of good things stored in that thing we call a brain - just dying to find a place to spew it. This is the place.

I agree unfortunatly I'm one of the worst spellers in american history. And I'm never sure when I'm suppost to but a coma or a period of some other puntuation but on these threads I try my best :p .

I also hate it when people try and use short hand on a thread because it's not like the conversation is going somewhere. You have forever to write it. I find it usefull in chat rooms because you have to try and keep up with the conversation.

Oyo nice signature I wish I could have been on stage too :lol:
YaYoGakk ohh yeah I forgot to but that you didn't affend me with this thread. I agree with a lot of it but I alway try not to judge people to much before I get to know them.
So, have I distinguished myself yet? I imagine people here think I'm a more serious person, although I haven't really contributed much to this forum's big questions and I rarely post essay-length replies...or do people here think I'm just another socially inept freak with good taste in music?
Originally posted by Demonspell
So, have I distinguished myself yet? I imagine people here think I'm a more serious person, although I haven't really contributed much to this forum's big questions and I rarely post essay-length replies...or do people here think I'm just another socially inept freak with good taste in music?
You've always been a person I've respected even though I know absolutely nothing about you. Funny how that works.
or do people here think I'm just another socially inept freak with good taste in music?

Just to get it straight: this is definitely not(!) what I meant in your 'October Tide' thread on Katatonia's board. I was kidding, of course.
Neither high nor low post rates seduce me into the fields of mockery. If anything counts as a factor at all, it is quality. And this ingredient I've never missed in your posts so far, regardless whether they were brief or not.
Originally posted by Lina
And I can't help but doubt the intelligence of people who don't use any freaking punctuation. How badly do they want to get their point across if they make it so that no one can read their post? Not very, so I just skim it. And what's with the people who create their own punctuation rules?! ",,," does not a "." make. :lol:

I've learned from my editing job that small paragraphs are more reader-friendly, so I do that.

*Pfffffff*!!!! Lina, you must hate my "..."'s >:o) I just can't help it.
I have always written in that way. Those "..." to me, means there's more to
it than what I wrote, like I am thinking more about what I just wrote,
or I leave some space for you to think about what I just wrote.... (Ooops, did it again).
It replaces the bodylanguage in some way for me.

Small paragraphs! I'm with you on that one! I have noticed that myself.
I don't like reading looooong posts with NO paragraphs.
I need them to get some air between all the important points.

I don't judge people by their nick, I only notice a nick if I have seen it A LOT.
People who post a lot get a lot of my attention, because I FINALLY start
remembering them. But mostly I judge people by their thoughts. What they write....
I compare it to what I feel/think and make my own sort of image of this person.
Sometimes it gets crushed and I find it enlightening. You people have so many
different sides! It's great!!

The title and the signature just adds something to the person, and it's often
changed so I don't pay much attention to it. But sometimes the signature
really fits with the post, that is nice to see, when it happens :o)

The avatars is the way a person looks on this board. If you change your
avatar I'll get really confused and start looking for you! Hehe...
"Who's that guy? I haven't seen that avatar before." This is probably
because I'm not good at remembering names so I'll remember the avatar instead.
If you all want to ruin my "world" you should all change your avatars at the same time.
I'd get totally lost! >:oP
Originally posted by Blackspirit

*Pfffffff*!!!! Lina, you must hate my "..."'s >:o) I just can't help it.
I have always written in that way. Those "..." to me, means there's more to
it than what I wrote, like I am thinking more about what I just wrote,
or I leave some space for you to think about what I just wrote.... (Ooops, did it again).
It replaces the bodylanguage in some way for me.

I don't mind the "....". It's the ",,,," that I can't stand. The "...." has its uses and special effects- I use it on occasion too. I think Lina was saying the same thing. The "..." is perfectly acceptable, I assure you.

BTW, Blackspirit, you're definitely the most original poster on this board! (Definitely in a good way)
Originally posted by E V I L
I don't mind the "....". It's the ",,,," that I can't stand. The "...." has its uses and special effects- I use it on occasion too. I think Lina was saying the same thing. The "..." is perfectly acceptable, I assure you.

BTW, Blackspirit, you're definitely the most original poster on this board! (Definitely in a good way)
Thank you, EVIL. You're exactly right.

I wasn't referring to you at all, Blackspirit. Elipses (the "...") definitely serve a purpose. In fact, I'll take this opportunity to kiss your ass a bit. :grin: Your posts are so cuuuuuuuuuute. I always wanna give you a hug after reading them! All your unique little smilies and post structure. So great! ;)
ok sorry for kicking this thread back up again if its starting to annoy you, but another question developed.. very related, I'm suprised it didnt make it into the original post of mine.

so far its all been about liking/disliking someone on first appearance......
But what about the mental image you hold of a person (even the ones you know well), whether you view them as a happy person, a quiet person, one of those people who always looks evil, etc. Do you find the 'tone' of the avatar (and to a lesser degree nick/sig/title) sticks in your mind and becomes a part of your visual image of a person (ie ... part of their personality in your eyes)?

Do things like the dancing banana or 'oyo in the box' tend to make you think of the person as a happier/more-fun type?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I havent given it much thought before now, but i think that identifiers (its getting stressful saying 'nick/avatar/etc' all the time) have a fairly long lasting effect on how i visualise a person(-ality). Comical identifiers (wow, this is sounding pretty silly) or beautiful scenery, for example, tend to change how i think of a person's basic personallity (the general 'appearance' of their personality anyway. eg. a smiley/happy person, or a frowny/sad person), and it lasts for quite a while.

Thats enough, ill stop now. Actually thats probably too much already. Is anyone still reading? Ahhhhh
Originally posted by YaYoGakk

But what about the mental image you hold of a person (even the ones you know well), whether you view them as a happy person, a quiet person, one of those people who always looks evil, etc. Do you find the 'tone' of the avatar (and to a lesser degree nick/sig/title) sticks in your mind and becomes a part of your visual image of a person (ie ... part of their personality in your eyes)?

Do things like the dancing banana or 'oyo in the box' tend to make you think of the person as a happier/more-fun type?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I havent given it much thought before now, but i think that identifiers (its getting stressful saying 'nick/avatar/etc' all the time) have a fairly long lasting effect on how i visualise a person(-ality). Comical identifiers (wow, this is sounding pretty silly) or beautiful scenery, for example, tend to change how i think of a person's basic personallity (the general 'appearance' of their personality anyway. eg. a smiley/happy person, or a frowny/sad person), and it lasts for quite a while.

Thats enough, ill stop now. Actually thats probably too much already. Is anyone still reading? Ahhhhh

We are still reading, YaYoGakk :)

Avartars sometimes do more for me than words... to cliche "A picture can paint a thousand words" (Usually the ones that have originality and/or thought behind them, rather than the avatars where people just get a picture of their favourite game character. Most avatars here I find are good :spin:)

As I don't have one yet, I want to find one that means something to me, and hopefully to others, whether it be in it's beauty or what is signifies. Some use them to share nice pictures, some to possibly symbolise part of who they are, or who they want to be.

I notice for the majority of the time, it is too easy to let the avatar influence you when you read a post by someone (unless you already know them well). Then again, that idea is turned on it's head. For example, Lina's avatar is nice in it's simplicity, and you can get a lot from it. Most would see it as possibly a symbolism of a sad person, but not all of Lina's posts are of a sad nature.

The avatars do affect me at first, such as S4R's Go Banana and "Oyo in the box", but after reading some of their posts I start to notice their overall effect on this forum.

Enough on my thoughts of this subject for the moment.

Okeys, so I have some fans of my posts >:oP Hehe... Yeeehaaa!
No autographs please!!! No pictures, wait for the official ones!

But of course, YOU, Lina!!! You are only afraid to tell the truth
about how you REALLY feel about me and my posts, cause if you
finally start saying what you feel I'll chop your head off,
taste your brain, take some photoes of your dead body and
use it as the cover of our album >:o) \,,/

Uhm....Forget I ever wrote that >:o)

People's avatars do become a part with my mental image of a
person. I have always pictured metalman as this guy with a
stretched face, just like his avatar, and Lee B is most certainly
not "normal" looking in my mind >:oP Hehe...
I have seen him in the picture thread, and I know what he looks
like, but I still can't get his avatar out of my head >:oP

BUT! The avatars does not affect how I see a person.
A smiley avatar does not make a person happy, not even Oyo in
the box. It's the person's posts that makes them.

It's not easy to remember what everyone stand for, but you get
a certain idea... Like my mentalimage of Lina is not a depressed
person, it's a very caring person. The people that post alot are
the people that I remember. I know and remember some of their
ideas. The people that post every once in a while are the people
that I see as their avatars, 'cause I can't remember their posts.