What The hell is wrong with people

Sep 1, 2001
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This thing that happened in America is a tragedy. Im guessing that about 5,000 people at least died from this. WHAT CAN POSSESS SOMEONE TO DO THIS!!! because they hate a country so much that they think it would be better to do something like this to innocent people. Stupid uneducated terrorist fucks. Im so sick of people in my school being pissed off that none of their favorite shows were on Tuesday. CAN YOU BELEIVE THAT!! Thousands of people lost their lifes in the biggest tragedy to ever happen in America and they bitch about not getting to see their show:mad: . Im not pointing the finger at anyone on this board who is from a diffrent country cause i know you didnt do it. BUT WHAT MAKES ME SICK IS THOSE STUPID PEOPLE DANCING AND CELEBRATING IN THE STREETS!!!!! There are some 5 year olds dancing too. i forgot what country it was but that is just plain SICK!!! to celebrate a horrific event in another country. I HOPE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS BURN IN HELL!!!! that makes me want america to nuke their fuckin country. hell i wouldnt care. but i know some people in that country dont feel the same way so i dont know. To celebrate this is sick and wrong so i hope no one on this board is in the state of not caring, because it is a huge thing. oh well just speakin my mind. What do you all think about this and the people dancing in the street (DIE!)
You sound like me :)

I know how you feel. One of the things that gets to me the most about this whole situation is that fact people can actually celebrate it. Nearly two days later, it really hasn't sunk in for me...and for the rest of us too I'd imagine. I haven't really stopped thinking about it since I found out. Luckily I haven't seen anyone complaining about missing their TV shows. If they do I'll slam them.

What's bad now is after the initial shock of `Holy shit, all these people have been killed' is that there are stories coming out, and it's getting personalised. You hear about the couple who jumped off the building together because there was no place else to go...or about families who got called by their loved ones telling them they are sitting at their desk, waiting, that they love them, and goodbye. What would you say to that? I can't even begin to understand what those people are going through. It's just shocking. This has changed everything...forever...
exactly dude. These stories are real and heartbreaking. You think about what if you were in that building and you were at the window 100 stories up surrounded by fire and there was no other place to go but jump. its sickening. The phone calls espeicially. Its like "hey im gonna die now, i love you" I mean god damn. Anybody who treats this as a joke deserves to be slapped. You cant imagine what those people were going through. I give props to the people on the hijacked pennslvania plane that actually attacked the terrorists so it didnt hit another building. That shows bravery and heroism. those people kicked ass!! I know some of you might be sick of this story but thats kinda gay that you use it for your entertainment and now its "old". It hasnt really even set in for me.
I was just thinking about this today and it's... I dunno...you can't help but just feel really inspired by this. People are giving up their lives. It's reassuring to know there are true and noble people out there.
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
This thing that happened in America is a tragedy. Im guessing that about 5,000 people at least died from this. WHAT CAN POSSESS SOMEONE TO DO THIS!!! because they hate a country so much that they think it would be better to do something like this to innocent people. Stupid uneducated terrorist fucks. Im so sick of people in my school being pissed off that none of their favorite shows were on Tuesday. CAN YOU BELEIVE THAT!! Thousands of people lost their lifes in the biggest tragedy to ever happen in America and they bitch about not getting to see their show:mad: . Im not pointing the finger at anyone on this board who is from a diffrent country cause i know you didnt do it. BUT WHAT MAKES ME SICK IS THOSE STUPID PEOPLE DANCING AND CELEBRATING IN THE STREETS!!!!! There are some 5 year olds dancing too. i forgot what country it was but that is just plain SICK!!! to celebrate a horrific event in another country. I HOPE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS BURN IN HELL!!!! that makes me want america to nuke their fuckin country. hell i wouldnt care. but i know some people in that country dont feel the same way so i dont know. To celebrate this is sick and wrong so i hope no one on this board is in the state of not caring, because it is a huge thing. oh well just speakin my mind. What do you all think about this and the people dancing in the street (DIE!)

I think they are stupid bitches, bastards, brainless fuckin' dicks, if someone will ever burn in fuckin' hell, it will be they ! You know, here near Russia there is a republic of fuckin' Islamists, Chechnya. They jumped and enjoyed all this blood a lot. They cannot live normal life, but they try to show us, that they ARE someone, though they are nothing! You've mentioned 5 years old "dancers" - this is next generation of stupid severe killers, with no remorse and no feeling at all. Middle-aged assholes teach them to kill with no regret, teach them fuckin' jikhad. They teach youth, that if they will die in battles with "idol-worshipers", they will go to heaven to fuckin Allakh and he will give them a couple of garems at the moment. That's why they fear nothing. Their lifes are half-instinct. We are not people to them. And if their land is in war with USA, they can't fight with well tought american soldiers, so they will revenge to innocent people. They are animals.
Whoever is responsible for this (LADIN!!!), is the biggest fucking stupid asshole ever born , and I am serious when I say this , There is no country or organization in the world that can bring down america , not even Canada can be brought down . Those people obviously did not realize that America would find them , and will kill them , they will never be put in jail for a crime like this , they will be murdered . And who cares if they are murdered ? nobody . Everyone who has any part in this should be killed . Many people will disagree with what I am about to say , but when these people are found , they should find there family members and kill them with the other watching , and lets see how they feel . I'm sure they will find there brain somewhere when they see there 5 year old son with a bullet hole in his head . I'm sure that they will regrett what they have done . You may call me down for what I just said , but you know it will work . Many people will say " But these kid's are innocent people" I say fuck that , Whoever is resposible for this has gotten there familiy's into this .

What do you think a teenager is gonna think when he see's his terorist of a father being executed . is he gonna say " I love america!!" ,,,, NOOO ,. he will grow to find revenge , and this sort of thing will happen again .


We will all kill ourselves - eventually. The human race collectively is disgusting. I'm not going to break this down to individuals - of course there are "good" people and "bad" people.

But take a good look - our kind care about power, ego, material things. It really is sickening - and what probably makes me the sickest of all is that I'm one of them.

Why the hell wasn't I a blade of grass in some field, just minding my own business?
exactly.. this shit makes me embaressed to be a fuckin human. These fuckin sand my pals (thats what i call terrorists, sorry, dont take it personally) are some of the dumbest people on earth. to think they can bring down a country and its people. Im sorry but its not smart to attack a country in which a snap of a finger they can destroy you. I think they other countries are jelous because America is so much better then their miserable ass country. Now America, and Russia, and Even China are allies now i beleive. They will help us with whatever we need in this. I think its cool that all these countries are allieing now. Thats the way it should be. Its pretty pathetic if the death of all humans is caused by humans. There will be no way to put it how miserable that will be. So all countries are allieing together now (except for the damn terroist countries) so we shouldnt have to worry about killing for no apparent reason anymore. The terrorists are living in a fantasy world
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
exactly.. So all countries are allieing together now (except for the damn terroist countries) so we shouldnt have to worry about killing for no apparent reason anymore. The terrorists are living in a fantasy world

As are we, my friend, as are we....