Explain your Stuff..

@rusty: tall and dark don't ever go with ugly, so repent.
plus, i never stop marveling on how much i love trent reznor's lyrics even though i really cannot relate to nin's music.
aye, i think i should tell something about my new screen name.

there are two malaclypses, m. the younger and m. the elder. m. the younger supposedly has invented (or better, published) the religion of discordianism, which basically is a fine hoax of a religion, and that i like. malaclypse also impersonates satan in the illuminatus trilogy (satan is the good guy there).
i guess you'll have to delve a bit deeper into the matter if you really want to know, even i don't :) but check out this link for pure hilariousness:

new title: if one can see the fnords one has just been illuminated. fnords are written in each text between ordinary words. since your childhood you are being trained not to read these words actually, but to connect them with fear; so disturbing texts tend to content more fnords than other ones. this enables a state to keep population in a shape of constant subconscious fear, which makes it easily controllable. fnords are evil.

my sig is relatively normal, a quote off a novembre song :)

edit: oh, the avatar, that's the "sacred chao", the symbol of discordianism. it's basically a yin-yang, but not male/female: one side stands for order (the pentagon) (btw, satan is being held in the pentagon, thus the odd form), while the other is the symbol of the goddess eris, the goddess of discordianism. once eris wasn't allowed to a god party in the pantheon, because she always tried to anger people. so what she did was throw an apple in the room with the inscription: "for the most beautiful goddess", upon which all the ladies had a proper conflict.
so, the avatar resembles the balance between order (the illuminati) and chaos (eris & the discordians). nice, innit?
Greetings fine people...i have been wandering these forums for quite some time now..and well i thought "hey maybe i should join up"...so i did..and here i am :p

my name...how can i explain my name...i made it in 98? :loco:
well acctually..i really have no clue what was going thru my head that time..so i cant really explain it :hypno:

my title is basicly informing everyone that one of my favorite metal bands...is no more..they gave up because of money problems :erk:

my avatar is something i just found while just wandering the internet..and well i just had to make some use out of it...so here it is.. :loco:

my sig is just some lyrics from one of my favorite songs..death explosion...and has the date from which the crown started..and when they gave up :cool:
Ok, I guess it's my turn, even tho I have done this before... this will be the
long version.

Well, it's finnish for assassin. Sala = secret/hidden Murhaaja = murderer.
Of course, I think of assassins as the backstabbing versions based on RPGs.

I chose it as a tribute for Taneli Jarva and how I interpreted a few lyrics
from him, namely One Colour: Black by The Black League and Beyond The
Wall Of Sleep
by Sentenced.

In OC: B there is a line that goes:

Now we live the Age of Treason,
When there’s daggers in men’s smiles
(goddamn backstabbers in disguise)

And in BtWoS there is a line:

Sandman, stab me in the back...
Lord Ego, Punish me!
Cleanse me from humanity!
Reveal the fucking Beast!

Both refer to the nature of humanity, basicly we are a race of backstabbing
bastards and as I am one as well, I'm a backstabber = assassin.

Of course the "Sandman, stab me in the back..." seems to have another
explanation for me these days, seeing as Sandman is the bringer of of dreams
and if he brings me bad ones, I would concider him stabbing me in the back
and I am seeing a lot of dreams where I die...

(of course people who have me on MSN Messenger know my nick there is
"in my dreams i die" which also refers to my dream issues.)

This changes at times, but it's usually a reference to something I am listening
a lot at the time. Right now (magic masochist) it's from a KMFDM song called
Wrath, a song about the DT board ;)

aka the ballgrapper :D
I have had the current avatar for a long time, basicly since it shows how
grim and tr00 I am ;) Yes, that is me in the avatar, with slight alterations
done in Paint Shop Pro, just made the skin red and changed the background,
it's just some smoke (thanks Opi :) ) behind me now, instead of my room.
A few things about it, my hair is no longer that black, haven't bothered with
dyeing it in a while also I am not wearing lipstick like some moron thought,
it's a side effect of the "photoshopping".
Oh and another thing, it's supposed to be funny, it's called irony ;)

I've had a few other av's as well, most regulars might remember the one
of Satyr with corpse paint or the blue face from Fields Of The Nephilim, the
one Z called a smurf ;)

Don't think I will be changing again anytime soon tho.

"in a forest, under a mountain in Sweden"
Well, I live in Sweden in a village located under a mountain in the middle of
a forest. Simple, eh?

"nihilistic mystic
apostolic alcoholic
messianic manic
cataclysmic and prolific"

Another KMFDM reference, from a song called Megalomaniac, in the song
it's in plural refering to KMFDM, but I changed it and it now refers to me...
haha, no ego problems here ;)

Well, there ya go, just don't think you know me now ;)
Nick: It's some kind of acid, don't really know anything about it other then that it melts at 159°C :erk:
If you actually want to know, look here here. Heh, that made me even more confused...chemistry :Spin:

Avatar: Can't remember where I got it but I thought it looked nice.

Title: Fits the avatar.

Signature: Nothing there. I'll think of something when im not suffering from insomnia ;)
Well i got my nickname back in 2002 so at the time i was really into Arch ENEMY and MORBID was one of my vocabulary words in english class.
My avatar is a picture from My Dying Bride's voice of the wretched album
I got my title from a diabolical masquerade song and i think it fits the avatar and nick pretty well.
and i got the sig from satyricon
@salamurhaaja: very interesting explanations of your "stuff." i am a big kmfdm fan, so i appreciate all of your allusions. \m/

As for me:
Nick - i created this name when i joined another board a year ago. at the time, i was working on a piece of performance art, set to the song panzermensch by a band named and one. i bastardized the term, exchanging "kitten" for "person," to come up with the name. my name is kat, so there is an intended sort of pun in the name. and mostly it suits my proclivity for the absurd.
Title - erm, under construction
Avatar - a picture of an eight-year-old ayn rand. she is my favorite author and philosopher.
Sig - a quote from the almighty KOMPRESSOR. my hero.
Well since Rahvin seemed curious about my screen name I'll give this thread a shot.

Its from a German RPG called "Das Schwarze Auge" The Black/Dark Eye in English. I'm not really a role-playing gamer, but I played some of the computer video game versions of the world when I was younger, and completely fell in love with it. If anyone is a gamer, the games were called "Realms of Arkania" and there were 3 produced, quality games. Anyways, Boron is the God of Death, the Dead, and Sleep in the DSA world. So he is sort of a Sandman figure, another one of my favorite characters. (Kudos to Rahvin on the Gaiman quote)

The avatar is a Raven sitting upon a broken wheel, which is the symbol of Boron, all graves are marked with a broken wheel in the DSA world.

The title is a title attributed to Boron as well. Another title attributed to him would be "The Silent" but I don't think thats very appropriate for a message board, heh :Smug:

Let's see what else... Ah yeah, the siggy is a quote from Dead Can Dance's "In the Kingdom of the Blind the One-Eyed are Kings" from their Serpent's Egg album. This is a band I highly recommend though I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with it. Not metal however, but that is fine.

If you're interested in knowing more about any of this extremely geeky stuff(doubtful) feel free to PM me.
Boron said:
Let's see what else... Ah yeah, the siggy is a quote from Dead Can Dance's "In the Kingdom of the Blind the One-Eyed are Kings" from their Serpent's Egg album. This is a band I highly recommend though I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with it. Not metal however, but that is fine.
I love them. Serpent's Egg is great but Spleen and Ideal is my favorite. Check out these bands: Dargaard, Arcana, Autumn Tears.
Rusty said:
So that means I should try out some Dead Can Dance then, Mr Soul??
Yes! They have a more poppy vibe, but some of their albums still have the medieval qualities of Dargaard. I'd start with the album I mentioned above, Spleen and Ideal, which was released in 1985!
Sole4Raziel said:
Yes! They have a more poppy vibe, but some of their albums still have the medieval qualities of Dargaard. I'd start with the album I mentioned above, Spleen and Ideal, which was released in 1985!

Aha, I guess I should check them out too them.

for a title, how about Panzer Division Kat?
Unless you don't like the Marduk reference ;)
Sole4Raziel said:
Yes! They have a more poppy vibe, but some of their albums still have the medieval qualities of Dargaard. I'd start with the album I mentioned above, Spleen and Ideal, which was released in 1985!

IMO Spleen and Ideal, The Serpent's Egg and Within the Realm of a Dying Sun are sort of a majestic triology. They are all good on their own, but they all have the same underlying unmistakable DCD groove not found on their later efforts. But yeah, I'd have to agree with you Speen & Ideal is a great place to start, though I'd find myself hard pressed to pick a favorite, heh.

On the issue of the poppiness, its not exactly the word I would use. Its definitely more down tempo, but not exactly poppy. They are hard to describe I havn't really found anyone who sounds anything like them. Perhaps some of those bands you mentioned... I'm not familiar with them perhaps I'd have to check them out :Spin: