Explain your nickname


Dec 12, 2005
Quebec, Canada
Maybe it has been done long ago, and I know a thread called "Explain your avatar" as been done in the past, and I suddenly wondered "Where does some nicknames come from?". Since we can post Non-Opeth stuff here, I would like you to explain your current nickname (and older/other nicknames would be fun too).

I should not have to say things like that but, this is not a shit-thread, it is just for fun and for those like me who randomly wondered stupid stuff like this, and if you don't like it, go away and let it die.

So go on and tell us the story of your silly nickname (refering to me).

Nasty-Fire is something so damn old, but I can remember its origin. When I was young (approx. 10 years old), my big brother used to play StarCraft. Intrigued, I also started like a unawar geek. At that moment, people were starting "clans", which had no real purpose except for mapmaking, and my big brother started the "Nasty" (he was named Nasty-Shady since he loved Eminem) clan and invited me into it. We had to add our personnal ID (Nasty-[ID]) and since I sucked at English at that epoch, I wrote Fire, since it's brutal. Since then, I never really changed it (don't know why) until recently with "Discursion" (I made an account when I got banned from here) because it is one of my solo musical project. So there. Your turn.
I got the idea of Hex ever since i red the title of Watershed ( Feb 07 i think right?) and I was naming everything Hex-something, and I got the idea of hexwind or hexwater ! I liked both of em. that's it :)
I usually use : Hibernal Frost, Porcelain Tapestry, Hex wind, Foxhound (of MGS) ...
my nick is the name of my first role playing character i created long ago together with a friend. he had his own world and character sheet and we created a whole tribe, culture and language as background for my character before we started playing. so, lots of good memories here. "dwoakee" in this language translates to "fingers two" since my character had only two fingers (plus thumb) on his left hand.
Mine is the name of my band but reversed.
mainly because i didnt want to seem like i was fishing for anything.
the {- and -} are useless.
to tell the truth, i just put them there because I never use any symbols in any user names ever, and decided i wanted to give it a go.
Stupid, I know.
i will give $10 worth of internet props to the first person who can guess what my name means, kind of like rumpelstiltskin but totally different
btw, this a random question but does anybody know what happened to Waz? He was a poster here for a long time, kept getting banned but kept popping back up.
anyone know what happened?
Favorite album ever. And I just put 14 on everything because the word itself is typically taken so I put a number on it and 14 was always my number when I did sports and shit..