funniest threads ... revisited

Poor ol' Wayland, coming here to re-join his BW&BK weekend festival friends...notice how none of them went to his defence as the puke and turd daggers started flying. :tickled:

Also note we didn't join in on the bashing (with the exception of Mark, lol). At the time though, I didn't realize it was Rich from BW/BK (who was very, very cool). I had no idea who wayland smithers was. Didn't come to the defense because I agreed with the Primal Fear sentiment. :Puke:
-That Art of War -

"You'll have your usual ooompa support"


You know, in hindsight that was a good move by Mark. It was like a Gugs Military Manouvre in the Chess Game of the Chocolate Factory.

Since the oompas have never fessed up and come out the closet (although we all know exactly who they are), anyone jumping to Erik's defence would have been instantly exposed.

Instead they IM'd him to see who he was voting for in the next RC tournament round. :loco:
-That Art of War -

"You'll have your usual ooompa support"


You know, in hindsight that was a good move by Mark. It was like a Gugs Military Manouvre in the Chess Game of the Chocolate Factory.

Since the oompas have never fessed up and come out the closet (although we all know exactly who they are), anyone jumping to Erik's defence would have been instantly exposed.

Instead they IM'd him to see who he was voting for in the next RC tournament round. :loco:

wtf was a ooompa anyway???
Your relationship was one of child/mentor. He would give you instruction, you would respond with teen angst, but in the end, you knew his intentions were out of love.
:lol: well his tastes in music were closer to mine than any other posters on RC, except maybe Zod. Maybe that's why you got that impression.
Oompa loompa: Someone who agrees with Erik on absolutely everything, and will even defend him in absentia. This has been expanded to anyone with a tendency to say "me too" to anything written by a senior poster.

Somehow I forgot to write "an oompa loompa will never admit to being one and deny that such behavior exists at all no matter how strong the evidence." at the time.
Your relationship was one of child/mentor. He would give you instruction, you would respond with teen angst, but in the end, you knew his intentions were out of love.


Even Erik denied that he had oompas at the beginning, and then all the oompas ganged up on him until he was forced to recognize their existence. A bit like the gaza strip.