funny shit about obituary


Mar 16, 2006
obituary is sold at wal-mart now i was at the new super wal-mart in my small redneck town checking out the cds for some odd reason and i saw they had obituary along with mastodon and arch enemy
Well that's quite usual here in sweden... for an example, the other day I was waiting for the train and I realize that, in a wall beside the Poster of the new Cd of the winner of the Swedish Idol, there was a Dismember The God That Never Was poster hahahaha... other usual thing is you can see on the Tv, programs where the guys of Meshuggah and Darkane appear...

PD: It wasn't necessary the PM o_O
BastardSonOfGod said:
Well that's quite usual here in sweden... for an example, the other day I was waiting for the train and I realize that, in a wall beside the Poster of the new Cd of the winner of the Swedish Idol, there was a Dismember The God That Never Was poster hahahaha... other usual thing is you can see on the Tv, programs where the guys of Meshuggah and Darkane appear...

PD: It wasn't necessary the PM o_O

is swedish idol like american idol?
goemo said:
and i thought only america had stupid shit on tv

Well....speaking of America where do you think the Swedish would have gotten the idea for Swedish Idol? That's assuming of course that the owners/creators of American Idol didn't simply bring the concept themselves to swedish television.
Did anyone understand what the singer growls in his lyrics?? its like "wuaml livnl laul" or anything like that ^^ its only sencseless growling, no text no nothing ^^ thats funny... or I'm wrong? but my friends say all the same about that...
I don't know if it's true or not, but I remember a lot of people saying that on the first Obituary album John Tardy just did random growls that didn't mean anything at all and just wrote lyrics after he did them. Anyone know any truth to this? After listening to Slowly We Rot I think it could be a possibilty.

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