Funny Still Life review

Protected Witness

Magickal Theatre 33
Sep 27, 2002

If you've ever browsed Teufel's, then you know that everything there is meant to be as negative as possible to everything except a very few obscure bands that are considered what you should listen to and nothing else.

I thought this review was pretty humourous just due to it's lack of actual reviewing of the material and replacing it with meanness.

Now, that I think about it, I shouldn't even post it because some of you guys might start crying...but whatever. Still Life is my favorite album.:tickled:
Thats a great review, really good, he sure put up a lot of efford writing that. He describes hes feelings for the album with words only he can use. It's really awesome.
estimate said:
Thats a great review, really good, he sure put up a lot of efford writing that. He describes hes feelings for the album with words only he can use. It's really awesome.

I agree. I love how he goes into song by song detail.