Still Life cardboard sleeve?


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2002
Sydney, Australia
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I wandered into a record store the other day, in search of MAYH (incidentally, that is the only Opeth cd they *didn't* have in stock), anyway, in the Opeth section, they had Still Life, but it was in a cardboard sleeve (the same kind as on Slayer's God Hates Us All). The artwork and tracklisting on the sleeve was identical to the artwork on my Still Life cd, which had no such sleeve. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about this? is there something different with the actual cd? when/why was the sleeved version released? etc...
Yes, I have that album, with the carodboardsleeve,
and was wondering why this album has it, when
there's nothing else out of the ordinary with this
version of the "Still Life" release >:oP

I guess the artwork just looks better printed on
the cardboardsleeve... I think so anyway >:o) you mean a sleeve which you can take off..? (I don't know that Slayer cd...)

edit: Oh, now I know what you meant ;) I have that cardboard one too, and there isn't anything "extra" in that. I put it on my wall :)
The cardboard cover is called a 'slipcase'. Peaceville Records released heaps of their albums that way last year. It's just a rerealese, so enjoy it, cause it looks quite good.

other albums in slipcase format:

My Dying Bride: all of them I think.
Katatonia: Tonight's Decision
Anathema: The Silent Enigma, Eternity, Alternative 4

and stuff like that.

They're good value....
I have that version.....being a somewhat speceialty, I would not hang mine on the wall, I haev kept it intact with th ecd, in case i ever want to sell the copy, I may get more cash out of it.

I also have the UK import of Sabs MASTER OF REALITY, with a sleeve, but it has a end cap to close it off.

Relapse records has a 1/4 cardboard sleeve with each of their cd's....its crazy.......makes the cd cost more.
Got the sleeve as well, was rather surprised but Z had it as well, so I was like, ok, bonus sector and went with it :grin:
Nothing different about the CD tho.
oh yes i forgot to mention

A) welcome to the board JeSo

B) its only £8.99 !!! thats cheap, um for those not into English currency, its about 1/3 cheaper than normal price... the other opeth albums are £14.99 yours now!!! :)
Got the sleeve as well. Not that much to cheer of. Just take longer time to get the cd out of the cdbox. Got sleeve to other cds as well like candlemass, halford, black sabbath, anathema...

You can buy em of me if ya want hehe
Originally posted by Cryptoplasty
Mine did not come in a cardboard sleeve. But, since I live in the US they were selling it at import prices. That sucks.

You need to find a new cd store.I got mine for the regular price
The only differnce in the re-releas and the 1st release of still life is the color of the cd. I got the re-release and my friend had gotten the original, the original is a grayish silver color, and I can't remember what color the re-release is since I traded him cd cause I like the original color better :grin:
Originally posted by Opth_001
The only differnce in the re-releas and the 1st release of still life is the color of the cd. I got the re-release and my friend had gotten the original, the original is a grayish silver color, and I can't remember what color the re-release is since I traded him cd cause I like the original color better :grin:

The re-release has the front cover art on the cd too.