Funny thread

Probably because you don't have as much people.

One of my Navy recruiters said that they're trying to recruit a bunch of women so they can have an all women's submarine (no room for two separate bathrooms on one)
Probably because you don't have as much people.

One of my Navy recruiters said that they're trying to recruit a bunch of women so they can have an all women's submarine (no room for two separate bathrooms on one)

In all honesty, I don't really see the need for seperate bathrooms on a combat submarine. I mean, there's a club in Huddersfield that actually has unisex toilets. A club, as in a place where people go to get drunk and make feeble attempts to get laid. Seems to me if you can trust horny pissheads, you can trust sober naval officers.

Sand ninjas! :lol:
I dunno man, this was pretty damn awesome.


I found it on one of my lecturers' door when I was at uni.
Before Chuck Norris was born, the martial arts weapons with two pieces of wood connected by a chain were called NunBarrys. No one ever did find out what happened to Barry.