Funny thread

Simply put, I've heard so many different bands, albums, demos, EPs, compilations, splits, live album etc. that it's starting to become like a game tat's way too easy these days. Only on rare occasions will I have to listen to an album all the way through more than once before I decide whether it's good or bad, and most of the time the music I hear these days falls under the catagory of 'fucking dreadful'.

It's all well and good for people to like what they like, I'm not going to take that right away from them. But what angers me is when they make it out to be the best thing since sliced bread when there's realy not much to it - yeah it may be pretty good, but I've either heard it or, in the offchance that I haven't heard it before, it's generic as hell at absolute best. Some asswipe came onto a thrash forumawhile ago trying to convince everyone that Sadus' "Out for Blood" was the best thrash alum of the decade, and no matter how many times you told him a flat out 'no' (we all loved Sadus, but seriously, fuck that album) he wouldn't stop trying to persuade everyone how good it was. Eventually he fucked off and we haven't heard a peep from him since, but when people do that it really fucking grates on me.

I personally believe the word 'elitist' to be bullshit in my case - an elitist is someone who (an I quote) 'prides themselves in belonging to a favoured or select group'. I don't pride myself in belonging to jack fucking shit, I've simply been listening to metal for a long bloody time and consider myself somewhat of a specialist (metal specialist if you like, - METALIST geddit?) no matter how stuck up that may sound. I know for a fact that I've introduced a fair number of the members on here to bands they'd have never discovered otherwise. However, new kids - the same bandwagoning dicks who I've ranted about for the past few days - are more elitist than I'll ever be. If it doesn't agee with them 100% then you're well and ruely in the shit - many a time I've made a genuine and heartfelt (well, not heartfelt) recommendation or a suggestion and because it's not what they want, they go absolutely fucking ballistic at you. There was that infamous fiasco awhile ago where I told some guy that if he was to start a thrash band, he'd be safer trying to do something a bit different or to not do it at all lest he be lost amongst a sea of bands that all sound the same. We all know how that ended (clue: it involved him throwing his toys out of the pram).

I've come across newbies at thrash shows - and as much as I hate to say this here, mostly at Evile shows - who seem to go with the idea that 'if it's not thrash then it's not good'. I used to be like that and looking at these kids I always think to myself "I'm surprised I didn't blow my fucking brains out, if I came across like that to someone I'd shit bricks". Luckily for me I got out of that frame of mind about two or three years ago, though I do like to play on it every now and then for the lulz, but THAT my friends is what elitism is - these world class wankers who think that 'if it's not thrash then it's not good' are elitists, because they believe that thrash is some sort of super secret adventure club or something gay like that. It's all well and good when some people say to me 'You should probably just keep your opinions to yourself sometimes' but frankly, that's impossible - I'm an incredibley outspoken person as you may have all guessed. And I don't just go 'It's shit' for no reason, I don't believe I'm Jesus almighty himself, I don't think tht I belong to some faggot select group of know-it-all metalheads and I certainly don't like olives. Man, fuck olives.

... Yeah, rant over. Stop being dicks or no more ice cream.

That was quite a good rant, and I loved the ending.
I say we stop talking about this shit, and just post some funny pictures now .. :lol:
Pictures galore!






I just got burned really bad :lol:

Not trying to be an elitist, I was simply just stating my opinion on a band that I think is shit.
No offense, but I hate how elitist dave is all the time, it bugs me, but there isn't shit I can do about it.
But yes, some of daves elitistness must have rubbed off, because usually I won't do stuff like that

Also, why take the time to read this, then go through all my old post to find that? (if you have been trying to burn me for a while, you did a good job :lol: )
That was about how he was trashing all Metalcore bands (which I now understand are not metal, thanks to Ocelot2010) and I was just stating how it was bothering me because at the time I thought it was metal.

Stating your opinion on your band would be: "I don't like this band", not "how can anybody like this band".

I don't know how you can be elitist though, you think that Avenged Sevenfold's new album is good. Methinks you just walked in on some Toxic Holocaust bashing and thought you'd gain some metal cred by joining in.
I don't see what crawled up your ass
I was just stating my opinion on a band..
Anyways, like I said yesterday lets stop talking about this shit, and just post funny pictures.