Funny thread

I found this very funny. :lol:
This is from a survey taken by 15,000 well traveled women:

1. Germany (too smelly)
2. England (too lazy)
3. Sweden (too quick)
4. Holland (too dominating)
5. America (too rough)
6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)
7. Wales (too selfish)
8. Scotland (too loud)
9. Turkey (too sweaty)
10. Russia (too hairy)

1. Spain
2. Brazil
3. Italy
4. France
5. Ireland
6. South Africa
7. Australia
8. New Zealand
9. Denmark
10. Canada

HA! How Canada even makes it onto this list baffles me.

Yeah you're going to have to fill me in on what you're talking about

Stephen posts a lot of good shit on the Funny Thread, and Diddy's basically Photoshop god.

Dragonball Z fans and fans of silly dubs will get a real kick out of this, I nearly wet myself just now :lol:

I've been watching that Abriged series for a few months, they're beyond amazing. Esprcially the new episode. Have you seen any of the episodes?