Funny videos thread!

It fucking takes 6 hours to DL season 1!! :yow:

Goodbye Torrents.... Forevah :mad:

I don't see how you people can stand that :confused:

Thanks anyways! :p

torrents > direct download

the download speed depends on how many are sharing the file(s) (seeding) and how many are downloading the files (leeching) and also, of course, how fast your connection is.

If I leave my comp open in the night, I won't be able to sleep because of the noise...

yeah, but you can pause the download and continue it whenever you want to, when you're going to school/work for example
^My connection is 20mbit, and I also took that other think, not direct download.

If I leave my comp open when I go to school, I am guaranteed that my brother will look at my pr0n :lol:
Ohhh coooooooooooooooooooooooool..!

And the downloads won't stop when the comp goes to "sleep"? :)

it depends what settings you have, if only the monitor goes to sleep, it will stop, but if the harddrives goes to sleep as well it will stop-ah

Wtf, PowerBlade you should buy one of those Apples, I hear they are good for dumb people.

:lol: +1
It fucking takes 6 hours to DL season 1!! :yow:

Goodbye Torrents.... Forevah :mad:

I don't see how you people can stand that :confused:

Thanks anyways! :p

Dude, having something take a few hours to download in the background is nothing, the payoff is you get to watch/own the full season 1 of a great show for just leaving it there. You can have it running while you talk on this forum or play games, and pause it at night and resume next time you're on the computer. Torrents also have a tendency to speed up drastically the longer you leave them running (as you connect to more people)
Dude, having something take a few hours to download in the background is nothing, the payoff is you get to watch/own the full season 1 of a great show for just leaving it there. You can have it running while you talk on this forum or play games, and pause it at night and resume next time you're on the computer. Torrents also have a tendency to speed up drastically the longer you leave them running (as you connect to more people)

Well, as I was downloading it my comp speed went down at least 80%... So nope, can't have it in the background... Will have to do at night or when I am at school as the swedes are suggesting me :)
Maybe you have problem with upload speed choking you download speed.
You can set the maximum upload speed in your torrent client, set it low and se if DL speed gets better.
You can also allow more connections, but that can be tough for the computer if its bad.
^I don't really know how to solve all that, but it doesn't matter I think... I'm just leaving my comp open with it tomorrow when I go to school :)

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