Funny videos thread!

Don't make me put a smiley so large it will feck up your monitewr haha.

Go here:, on the left there is a menu, click BTJunkie and search anything you need, make sure it's typed correctly.

Use uTorrent, and limit the upload bandwidth to 5 so it doesn't take all your internet speed.

This guy is fucking bizarre. How the hell do you European fuckers roll your tongue like that? I can't do it at all, I sat here trying for like 3 hours one day and I just don't get how it's done. I can roll my tounge but I can't enunciate at all when I do it, I have to use way too much lung power to get it flapping around. :lol:. Is it the tip of the tongue or like the back or what? :mad:

Asian Karaoke is so painful, but amusing.
"I want you to caress me like a tropical priest"

lmao, he sounds like Cartman when he does his Jennifer Lopez voice.
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Don't make me put a smiley so large it will feck up your monitewr haha.

Go here:, on the left there is a menu, click BTJunkie and search anything you need, make sure it's typed correctly.

Use uTorrent, and limit the upload bandwidth to 5 so it doesn't take all your internet speed.

It fucking takes 6 hours to DL season 1!! :yow:

Goodbye Torrents.... Forevah :mad:

I don't see how you people can stand that :confused:

Thanks anyways! :p
That's normal. Imagine how much it took me to download 60Gb for Metal Foundry.

I have 720Gb of videos, including movies, TV Shows and cartoons, all torrents, just leave it for a night and you can watch the next day.