Funny videos thread!

This can't go anywhere but here. This video is hilarious to me, and the music is puke-tastic. These guys look like fucking clones man (also crab-people), what's up with kids these days? People used to dress like that to be "unique" or whatever but they are lamer and more unoriginal than the people I'm sure they protest.

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This can't go anywhere but here. This video is hilarious to me, and the music is puke-tastic. These guys look like fucking clones man (also crab-people), what's up with kids these days? People used to dress like that to be "unique" or whatever but they are lamer and more unoriginal than the people I'm sure they protest.

What the fuck is this supposed to be?
Seriously, is this a joke?
If not I want to kill them. :erk:
MjödDrinker;9377371 said:
why did you post attack attack!? :yuk:

it is just god aweful

It's worse than god awful. Don't go thinking I posted it to support the band, that would be blasphemy in the eyes of Satan! I literally find the video hysterical to watch. Me and my buddy sat here and watched it whilst drunk/high a while back and laughed until our stomachs hurt. The keyboard dance and the crab people guitarists and the auto-tuned goofy vocals with random techno out in the middle of a field and in a barn. It's comedic gold. Not to mention the pointless blond girl, clearly they only put her there to clarify they are semi-straight.
Argh the song is so awful even with the funny lyrics. :(.

I love misheard lyrics. The first one I ever saw was Job For A Cowboy and the song was pretty shitty, but the lyrics and pics were hilarious.

Found it:

"And the mayonaise isn't safe no more!!" :lol:
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lmao! Love when he punches the girl while dressed in the bear suit. I'd rather not see it, it makes those scenes funnier not knowing the story