Funny videos thread!

This is the best shit (oops) i've heard this year

Best moment, 8:10, story about Rocco trying to kill a girl with his dick.
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Mitch McConnell is a worthless political puppet in the US. And he looks like a turtle. Seriously just look at his face there and tell me you don't want to put him a terrarium and feed him lettuce. :lol:
Yeah I think it's a failed attempt to make him look creepy in his own political ad. All it makes me want to do is flip him on his back and see if he can get back up. Either that or get in a Go-Kart and throw him at other Go-Kart drivers.
I dont really know whats going on in US with this presidential bullshit.

But it makes me laugh to see this anti-campaign for Trump on the internet. It's so childish it makes me want to get US citizenship and vote for him. I listened to some of his speeches, his program, sure, a lot of bullshit but a lot of good stuff too. But hey, lets label him racist, everyone is racist nowadays.


chill the fuck down. If anything sparks the WW3 its US dont minding their own bussiness and destabilising africa and middle east + brawling with Putin. And now Europe must pay for this crap. Fuck you, america.
^Oh, it's political commentary of some shitty politician. Now I get it.

Eh, I think it's less political commentary and more music graduate student getting stoned, listening to Karlheinz Stockhausen's crazy music, and thinking of how it would be funny to dub Stimmung over McConnell's funny looking face. It's from the deep youtube, I should have mentioned :p