Funny videos thread!

Taking notes
If i ever create an ape with dreadlocks monster for anygame Ill make sure that losing the dreadlocks will mean the creature is taking dmg

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Skateboarder kid asks the age-old question: "Why would that...why would would nature do that to me?"

Also, from the comments:

The friend is such a good guy. He sees his mate in trauma so he instantly goes searching for the culprit - "It was this damn rock!" He says damn to emphasize to his friend that it wasn't his fault - it was the damn rocks. When he sees that merely pointing this out isn't working he presents an opportunity for revenge - to piss... on the rock. Ultimately, his friend needs time to recover. He asks him to stop filming. And his friend stops...

Then the video appears on the internet.
- ajnode

Ladyfriend and I found this on YouTube last night; the visuals are pretty funny. Plus, lyrics like "I'm so rich since you left me, honey, I could marry someone who would marry me just for my money"? Gold.

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