Future of Savatage

Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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I find this explanation to be forced and full of political B.S.

In other news, Jon Oliva has issued the following statement regarding the current status of SAVATAGE:

"It has become necessary for me to set the record straight about any possible future SAVATAGE concert performances.

"After careful consideration by me, management and members of the band, I would like to make an official statement about the state of SAVATAGE.

"The TRANS SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA is growing at an amazing rate. Our second non-Christmas record ('Nightcastle') will be released [next] year. Following that, TSO will immediately begin recording its next Christmas record while also planning for year-round touring and possible overseas performances.

"As a further result of the ever-growing popularity and demand for the TSO brand, SAVATAGE is not planning to do any future concert appearances. TSO has become a year-round responsibility for all of us and the future looks to be increasingly more demanding. Therefore, it is not possible for us to shut down this massive operation in order to perform SAVATAGE shows.

"We hope this puts to rest any speculation that SAVATAGE will be returning to the stage."

Now, several years back there was to be a " savatage reunion " at Progpower USA. and due to " legal issues " they weren't able to call it Savatage. ( Supposedly Paul O'Neill owns the rights ). From things I've read and heard this is also a reason why there is a Jon Oliva's Pain, because he had no outlet for nonTSO material.

I know many of you don't give a crap, but for those who do.
eh, I seem to recall him stating his feelings about going full ahead TSO a few years back. This may have been before he came up with the "reunion" thing which I suppose I missed the memo on.

I sure would like more Savatage though :(

give it time.
i hope tso's new album goes a little more in a metal direction, there last one seemed to be slower songs or jams of sorts, all the heavier faster songs where kind of weak though.
Don't get me wrong. I think it is great they are getting the recognition and money they deserve.
BUT, pretty much by Jon's own admission Savatage is dead because of O'neil. They had been promising some sort of Anniversary show or DVD etc. but that idea was killed. now finally Jon himself is saying don't expect anything. His tone has softened considerably also when asked about Savatage's inactivity, initially he was a little more angst ridden that nothing was going on. JOP was created to fill the void.
It is just sad to fade away like that and not go out in style.
Don't get me wrong. I think it is great they are getting the recognition and money they deserve.
BUT, pretty much by Jon's own admission Savatage is dead because of O'neil. They had been promising some sort of Anniversary show or DVD etc. but that idea was killed. now finally Jon himself is saying don't expect anything. His tone has softened considerably also when asked about Savatage's inactivity, initially he was a little more angst ridden that nothing was going on. JOP was created to fill the void.
It is just sad to fade away like that and not go out in style.

they were supposed to play a reunion show as a headliner at ProgPower USA from what I heard, but they couldn't do it because Paul O'Neil owns the rights to the name Savatage, which is fucked up.

That dude needs some aids thrown on em.