Savatage 25th Anniversary!!


Aug 9, 2005
Savatage 25th Anniversary!!

YES!! It's finally going to happen. There's going to be some kind of all star line-up bringing back all former members from what I've heard, a live DVD- the works.

Unfortunately it's going to be the last bang for the guys according to Oliva who is content with his new band and the label/ management's refusal to return to Savatage in light of all of TSO's success.

Does anyone have a link to the interview John did on this, I read it once and can't find it anywhere.

He said something about out of respect to the fans he wasn't calling his new band Savatage.

How about respect to his BAND that he not call JOP Savatage?

That sounds like... well it sounds like KISS putting make-up on other dudes and still going out there.

Messed up if you ask me but I am still out of my mnd excited at the prospect of getting to see Savatage one last time.
Savatage is one of my favorite bands of all time. It sucks that they're gonna reunite just to disband again. It's bittersweet really.
Madness reigns, hahahahahahaha my friend, In the hall...of the mountain king!!!
Savatage rules!
RIP Criss!
I figured Savatage were done when Jon started the JOP thing. Shame really.

I've seen Savatage many many times and every line up always put on a good show.

I would have hoped for one last album, going out with a bang instead of a whimper.
Anyone here see the Savatage Convention in '99?

Gotto see some great local NYC bnads, Zandelle, october Thorns and Gothic Knights.

Also saw October Thorns open for Nevermore with Arch Enemy and again with Opeth. Those were some sick shows down at L'Amours.
I like Savatage and am most happy that people in Canberra are selling their CDs to the local 2nd hand CD shops so I can go pick them up when I'd otherwise be unable to.

If you're looking for top Savatage material to listen to, you can't go past the albums Gutter Ballet, Poets And Madmen & In The Wake Of Magellan.

Top stuff. :rock:
more news-

Chris Caffery, guitarist for SAVATAGE/TRANS SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA and solo artist, recently spoke to Metal Asylum just before rehearsals started for the TSO tour about his latest CD, "Pins and Needles", and the future of SAVATAGE, among other topics. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Metal Asylum: What is the album called and how would you compare it to "Faces"?

Chris: It's called "Pins and Needles", like when your foot falls asleep, and I don't think you can compare the two. It's like when your sitting there and your foot gets numb. It's kinda like sometimes in life you keep taking the same crap and dealing with the same things so much that after a while you become numb to it, ya know?!

There's a focus and maturity with this record. When I recorded "Faces", I had so much material I wrote over the years to go through, I had no idea what people were going to like, I never sang before and basically I was like a kid in a candy shop as far as what I wanted people to hear. Now with "Pins and Needles" there is a set direction and its definitely not what people are expecting. I am very looking forward to people hearing it.

Metal Asylum: Recently some pro shot video footage of SAVATAGE when Criss Oliva was in the band during the "Streets" era, along with footage from your time with the band during the "Wake of Magellan" tour have surfaced online. When it is time to compile footage for a SAVATAGE DVD, will footage of this nature be included?

Chris: Yeah that's the plan. The idea is to make a special compilation DVD with all the videos, classic live footage from when Criss Oliva was still alive and Jon Oliva was still the lead singer, some candid stuff, plus a new live concert with everyone involved who has recorded with SAVATAGE. I know there is one concert from the Dynamo festival with the "Mountain King" lineup that had a pro shoot, actually that week they asked me to re join the band for "Gutter Ballet" was when they were flying over for the show two days later and if I had a chance to rehearse with the band at all in time I would have been part of it too. I have a copy of that show and its about an hour or so and it's the only real pro shot footage that includes Criss Oliva at all.

Metal Asylum: Can you predict the possible future of SAVATAGE and who will be involved in the band?

Chris: Well, I really could not tell you exactly. I know we are going to do something for the anniversary. Maybe we will do one big huge concert, record an album including all the past and present members of the band, maybe a big European festival tour. If we do a special concert tour it will include SAVATAGE's original drummer Wacholz playing the older music and probably include Alex Skolnick doing some stuff. It's just a matter of everyone getting on the same page, ya know. I'm up for anything. I think the fans want to see more than one show, I know I do.

Read the entire interview at
savabich2 said:
Anyone here see the Savatage Convention in '99?

Gotto see some great local NYC bnads, Zandelle, october Thorns and Gothic Knights.

Also saw October Thorns open for Nevermore with Arch Enemy and again with Opeth. Those were some sick shows down at L'Amours.

No shit, October Thorns opened for Nevermore?

Hey, fucking sweet!
Yeah, it was one of the best shows I have ever seen!!

Warrel was dragging people on stage, throwing them off, grabbign them by the back of the head and having themn sing with him.

Super intense.

Tim Calvert wasn't too happy though, lol.

Oh well...