Future Testament Tours

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Let me say this, Testament already has a ton of offers to tour worldwide, places they've been, & alot of places(exotic & unexplored Testament terrritory) they've never had a chance to play before. There's a big buzz, right now & alot of permoters are contacting the band about tours & shows, all coming up, starting early 2003. And with Chuck & Eric, BOTH saying they want to tour & travel like they have'nt done in years. I'm talking about extensive Touring all over the world, & all over the states(cities that were missed/& old favorite stops), get ready for Testament Supreme Regency................................................in 2003:) :)
please come to Peru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we are hungry for testament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i want my dream come true!!!!!!!!im a testament fan since 1990!!!!!!!!!i have all the cds, come to peru the best concert promoter here is nachopop he made the kreator destruction gig, if you want his e amil contact me please
Originally posted by HUNGER OF THE UNDEAD
Deadly, who does the booking? I have contacts with club owners here and want to make sure we get TESTAMENT back in Providence again! Its been too long.

Well, that's private info and it really depends on different things like incoming "proposals/offers" and Chuck and Eric's decisions.

Just keep throwing out some suggestions and it may happen
jump in a car to the nearest city they play. I know easier said than done, but they can only do so much...
Cool. thanx DE. :D

So, if the Testament Supreme Regency (massive worldwide touring) will start in 2003, when are they gonna finish the new album then? U said that the songwriting most likely will happen on tour, but considering the Testament touring schedule will be busy there is not much they could get done, or is it?
"please come to Peru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I know the Band wants very much to go to South America again, & I'm sure in the next cycle of touring, they will hopefully get down there. Peru would be great, I've always wanted to hike to Machu Picchu, on the many Inca trails in your country. When Testament does go down to South America, I'm going for sure & will stay for 2 or 3 weeks after the Tours done. I've been studying books on Inca history, The Andes Mountain Range, the many Ruins & the Sacred Valley where Machu Picchu lies. Also on Hiram Bingham the American Explorer who discovered, or some say uncovered it in 1911. It's supposed to be one of the most Sacred & beautiful places in the world. I'm into photography & want to take endless pictures of the people & scenery. So we both want Testament to do a Peru show or two, do you live near Lima? Or more inland towards Cuzco? I will be more excited than you, when they again get the chance to play South America. Chuck & Eric have told me that they love the fans down there & want to go back as soon as possible.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------".......when are they gonna finish the new album then? U said that the songwriting most likely will happen on tour....."

Somewhere between, Early Spring & Early Summer, is my guess.
I don't think I said that the songwriting most likely will happen on tour(maybe a Band member), but I'm sure some of it will happen as the band rehearses for the upcoming Mini-Tour, & maybe some ideas will come up on the mini Tour itself(while they are all together).
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------".......when are they gonna finish the new album then? U said that the songwriting most likely will happen on tour....."

Somewhere between, Early Spring & Early Summer, is my guess.
I don't think I said that the songwriting most likely will happen on tour(maybe a Band member), but I'm sure some of it will happen as the band rehearses for the upcoming Mini-Tour, & maybe some ideas will come up on the mini Tour itself(while they are all together).

oh yeah, I remember u said that the song writing can happen on a mini tour. So, as far as I understand, Testament will have a break inbetween Early Spring & Early Summer to put a finishing touches on the album, right? I mean like u said, they will start a massive touring in early 2003 (by early 2003, I hope u didn't mean April-May Europe festival tours? cuz January & February) is the early 2003. :) )
hey deadly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you wish i can help you to do that, just contact me via e mail i live in lima , may you can stay in my house and i can show some cool sites of lima and then you can go to machu picchu!!!!!!!!!!to land of the incas waits for you
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Originally Posted By Midlife Crisis:....."I remember u said that the song writing can happen on a mini tour"................

The Key word you used is "Can"........I agree it can happen, how much is unknown, & pure speculation.

.................."I mean like u said, they will start a massive touring in early 2003"........................"cuz January & February) is the early 2003"

The Key word here is "Start", yes they will start touring this March(?) or April(Europe),thats my idea of early 2003.

...................."Testament will have a break inbetween Early Spring & Early Summer to put a finishing touches on the album, right...."

Thats up to the Band to schedule & decide, we can again only speculate? Their pace is an unknown factor?
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace

.................."I mean like u said, they will start a massive touring in early 2003"........................"cuz January & February) is the early 2003"

The Key word here is "Start", yes they will start touring this March(?) or April(Europe),thats my idea of early 2003.

So, as far as I understand they won't tour in January & February next year and it's still unknown if they will tour in March right?
What we now know for sure is that Testament has not booked any tours in January, Febuary, or March, as of today. Now, what will happen, I'm as interested as you are, but at this time, I don't know of anything............................
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
What we now know for sure is that Testament has not booked any tours in January, Febuary, or March, as of today. Now, what will happen, I'm as interested as you are, but at this time, I don't know of anything............................

well, Testament has to finish the new album first so I understand why they would not book any tours in January & February next year. Cuz if they'd started a full-on tour in January next year, then when the hell they would finish the album?..............
I know seattle doesnt compare to peru or the land down under but SEATTLE NEEDS SOME TESTAMENT!!!!!!!!
shit i would go to portland on the 27th but fucking christmas happens to fall on the 25th and i have to go to vermont.