Future tours...


Feb 10, 2003
Columbus, Ohio
Now that the boys have learned new material due to the Damnation tour, hopefully there will be a big change up in their future set lists. Maybe they'll replace some songs they've played at every show on every tour with Face of Melinda, To Bid You Farewell, and some songs from Damnation...

because I'm still pissed off about missing the Damnation tour. Argh!
They BETTER play To Bid You Farewell and Face of Melinda on the next tour. I couldn't get into the Damnation show because of stupid age requirements, and I dearly wanted to see those songs. I'd also like to see The Twilight is my Robe. I believe they're played it before but I haven't seen it.
The Damnation tour was my first time seeing them, so I can't wait to see a Metal performance from them. I would have seen them on the Deliverance tour but mny friend got married the SAME DAY of the gig! It wouldnt' have mattered but I was actually IN the wedding so....
I went to a Tori Amos concert the other week and she does the 1st part with a band, the second part solo and the 3rd with the band. I think it would be cool if Opeth did the same. They could do and electric part, an acoustic middle section and a heavy conclusion.,