[Ich hab auch erst Dienstag von dem Gig gehört und mir spontan Karten reserviert, hab da nämlich zufällig hier im Forum von gelesen

*NP: Opeth - Master's Apprentices*
I am not a fan of deliverance, but the song rocked live... you missed something, really. But I would have preferred being informed earlier too, but like this it was a great surprise! If Tuesday morning someone had told me that I'd watch Opeth the next day, I probably would have declared him insane
And keep cool, I'm gonna upload some good pics as soon as I have them, but this depends on my friend, he is not very fast

He still hass my Still Life Shirt, too, argh...
Edit: Oh fuck, my voice is collapsing at the moment... I sang along too much yesterday I think, and my voice is quite sensitive. Hm, no matter, it was wort it. BTW, how long does it take you guys to let your hair grow that length?