fx chains in reaper


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
is it best to: Insert 3 tracks, 1 main guitar bus* track with all the fx chains such as ts808,soloc, impulses,c4band, reaeq. (plugins are just examples)

Then click the "folder" icon making the 2 tracks under one hard LEFT PAN and the next one hard RIGHT pan then inserting your guitar .wavs in there?

Or is it best to just make a new track insert the ts808,soloc, impulses,c4band, reaeq and pan that one left then make another track with ts808,soloc, impulses,c4band, reaeq and pan that right?

whats the best way?
I do the second one (both tracks have their own effects). I think I tried having them both go into the same ampsim once, and didn't like the results, so either it matters or I remember wrong.
Completely depends on what you want to do bra.

The first thing you're talking about is called Bussing. If you want three tracks to have the same exact processing then do the first. If you want two different sounds, use the second.. But from the sounds of it, you're looking to send three guitar parts to one track.. Would you have three guitar players play one amp?
I think he means using 2 tracks (the third one just has the effects, no .wav). And I usually use the same amp sim when dualtracking. But the main thing is, will it sound worse when you run 2 guitar tracks through the same amp sim at the same time?
I do Impulse + C4 + EQ on my bus track then gate + TS + ampsim on the individual tracks panned. This way I can just load up different ampsim on both sides or use the same ones EQ'd differently.
i used to do everything separately, but now with onquel's dope stereo screamer, lepou's amazing stereo amps and cab impulse loader, i buss everything to the FX channel, of course talking about guitars only, works very good! and you don't go wasting cpu cycles everywhere just because
I'm glad you guys understood my question. I see what you guys are saying especially reg3n and dan lights, LEPOU has a STEREO feature that way your able to PAN LEFT and pan RIGHT otherwise it be centered like dan lights said. And CAlexander that makes a lot of sense. And yes i was talking about using only 1 amp simulator in the guitar BUS. Thanks guys this helps a lot i think i will try Reg3n's method with the stereo features if not i will try calexander's methods. Its just if i do everything individually (every track has their own amp sim, impulses) it hogs up my CPU completely.
I'm glad you guys understood my question. I see what you guys are saying especially reg3n and dan lights, LEPOU has a STEREO feature that way your able to PAN LEFT and pan RIGHT otherwise it be centered like dan lights said. And CAlexander that makes a lot of sense. And yes i was talking about using only 1 amp simulator in the guitar BUS. Thanks guys this helps a lot i think i will try Reg3n's method with the stereo features if not i will try calexander's methods. Its just if i do everything individually (every track has their own amp sim, impulses) it hogs up my CPU completely.

Although I have the same problems with CPU usage, I usually turn off the other guitar, pan the other guitar to center and then fiddle with the controls of the ampsim. When I'm happy, I copy the settings to the other guitar track, pan them left/right and render stems (well, apply fx to items, but anyway).