CPU Overload with SoloC and 8505

sorry, yea, it's boot camp.

never really felt the need to compile ardourVST again.. :/
I use Wagner (the first version) sometimes and with four tracks at high quality and a Boogex impulse on each track, I am usually at 30% CPU usage on my dual core Intel E8500 that is overclocked to 3.4Ghz. I use Cubase 5, and with the ASIO latency buffer size set at 128 when recording I will sometimes get the DSP meter maxed out and it will make some sort of noise during recording so I set the buffer up to 256 or 512. I don't like recording at 512 though because by then I can hear the latency between my picking and what comes out of the speakers.
whats ardourVST man? and gutted, i thought i might ACTUALLY be able to run them in logic :( i get 0 latency in logic
ardourVST is a waste of everyone's time, to be honest. it emulates windows plugins on linux, and i suppose OS X. you have to compile it yourself, due to some licensing bullshit with steinberg (it's all legal and above board though).

i compiled it once a long time ago, and it was horribly unstable for windows plugins.

as for logic running windows VSTs.. no chance, i'm afraid. your only hope is someone brings these plugins to OS X in au form, or mac vst..
