FX pedal


The Influenced
Jan 10, 2007
I've got a boss gt-3 and to be honest its not cutting it at all for what I do, I use my valve pedals and just my amp and its great.

I know DD get some great lead delay tones is there a good pedal for this what do I need to save for, I hear a lot of delay pedals but after digital rearing its head and biting mine of I don't know where to start looking, are any MFD's and good, whats used in the studio because I would like it to be worth for studio use if I could?

I want to add some flange/phaser stuff in the future but for now the concern more is what do I need to get good delay?

Studio performance is most important as currently I will not use it live.

And if I am missing something with the GT-3 let me know (I know katatonia use it but quite frankly live they sound cock and balls)