I'm all over anything musical that comes out of Japan! Galneryus is pretty great and I'd sure like to see them live. They're definitely the top of the crop that people on this forum would like. Here are some other bands that you might enjoy - let me know if you do!
Onmyouza (陰陽座
- Female-fronted band that also mixes in a little bit of traditional instruments and imagery. I don't really like female vocalist, especially Asian, but I enjoy this band quite a bit (for whatever that's worth). I like that she sings like a woman would instead of trying to emulate a male voice like some other vocalists do. You will be able to search for this band a lot easier using their Kanji name (the Japanese symbols) but the name in Roman characters will get you information too. They have a few more vids on YouTube.
X JAPAN - I will never miss a chance to pimp these guys! They've been around since the dawn of time, spawned some of Japan's most famous musicians, and cultivated the beginnings of the 'visual kei' style which is now a main fixture of Japanese youth. X JAPAN are playing their first ever U.S. show at Madison Square Garden on Sept 13th this year. Two weeks before ProgPower but you can bet I'm not missing it! Their guitarist was named simply 'hide' (always with a lowercase h) but he died 10 years ago last week. He is considered a legend and ahead of his time in Japan and to the fans around the world. They are a ballad-heavy metal band sometimes labeled as 'thrash' and other times as 'speed', then there are those who don't consider them metal because they play a lot of slow songs with piano. There is a lot more to be said, but I'll save it

Get through the piano intro...
Versailles - a great visual kei super group! They're playing here in Dallas at the end of the month at A-Kon. I just missed the pre-registration deadline by a matter or hours so now I have to go wait in line at the crack of dawn to get tickets. Anyone want to join me? I will NOT miss this band! Oh, and I'll say it now, "No that's not a chick. Just like in traditional Japanese Kabuki theater, some male members of visual kei bands play the female role in the story" VK bands place as much emphasis on visual appearance as the music and often incorporate storylines or themes. Versailles is one of the very few worthy "new" VK bands out there, and mainly because they are all from old skool visual bands. And, well, cuz Hizaki and Teru shred! \m/
UnsraW - I'm just getting into this band. They're a heavier band mixed in with the VK appearance. I don't have much else to say about them really except this isn't prog or power metal.
Need more proof that Hizaki has chops?
Okay, I can go on and on but I have a feeling I already did

Bands from Japan happen to be totally underrated, overlooked, and under appreciated so I'm always willing to spread a good word. I hope you find something you enjoy through these videos or related. I was only going to post a little bit, but, well, maybe someone else will get excited about these bands too.