Game of the Year (so far)

So far... I don't know, but it doesn't really matter since Half-Life 2 will annihilate the competition.
Either UT2k4 (for being versatile, expandable, addictive, and adrenaline-pumping) or Far Cry (for graphics, immersion, and innovation, plus being generally awesome). Obviously, they'll have to reckon with the big holiday releases: Rome, HL2, Doom 3, etc, but I personally think some of them may dissapoint. Not because they're bad games but because if they're anything less than flawless, it'll get flamed.
NeverDying said:
Ans the game of the year will be Halo 2

Is it just me or is everyone getting way to excited about this game? I mean, the first was good but not overly spectacular, I cant see how the second is going to be so much better. I mean, yes, it does have some nifty new features and some improved graphics, but its not THAT great looking.
It's not just you. The first game was mediocre in pretty much every aspect, and while I'm sure the second will be better (especially with Live functionality), I certainly don't see it being the second coming as so many others do.
I suppose its all opinion. But for console FPS fans I think Halo kicked serious ass. PC FPS fans are always gonna stand by their games of course. But the sheer amount of fun sitting around with a bunch of buddies shooting eachother with excellent graphics (Come on, it was a first generation xbox game and still has some of the best graphics xbox has sported) is unrivaled still with most multiplayer xbox games. The collision detection was spot on and the vehicle mechanics I think rival UT2K4, I feel more comfortable driving the warthog than I do most of UT2k4's vehichles. The level design for the most part isnt anything special but there are 4 or 5 maps that never get old for me.
And apparently a lot of people agree, its still one of the best selling games and its been out for almost 3 years.

With Halo 2, the graphics are fucking amazing for a console, I don't see how many can dispute that. PC games on high end machines have always had better graphics anyway so its no point in comparing them. But the level design is gonna be fucking huge and in depth. New weapon and fighting mechanics. Much less linear and repetitive single player, and live capability. I think itll be a little more than a few extra goodies ;)
Tanith said:
Is it just me or is everyone getting way to excited about this game? I mean, the first was good but not overly spectacular, I cant see how the second is going to be so much better. I mean, yes, it does have some nifty new features and some improved graphics, but its not THAT great looking.
Heh- I agree. Halo is a fun game, and was pretty unique when it came out on XBox, but its NOT that great. At the time, BF1942 was much better for multiplayer, and MOHAA and whatnot were as good of a singleplayer game. The PC port was utterly mediocre, nonuprgaded textures, very little change/ improvement to the game, and buggy as hell.