Game Thread

Wow, that is pretty fucking badass. I think we should band together Jack and play as much as we can in order to beat Wang.
that program tells you all sorts of other shit to like the build order you did in whatever replay and other percentages. everyone in my clan says my apm is low but alot of times my development percent is higher than theirs. so i think they do alot of pointless clicking and have empty actions... just for the sake of having a higher apm.

also i think im gonna check out that BWCOACH. looks pretty spiffy.
If I'm not talking to Rach after I get done work tonight and you want to play some SC lets do it.

yea whatever. speaking of woman I think my health is dwindling because of woman stressing me out. yesterday i thought i was just hung over... but my hands were clammy as fuck and Im doing the blood thing again. wtf man i dont want the doctor in my ass again, fuck. maybe i should just cut my losses and accept jesus as my savior.


I'll show you the back of the box later.

Remake of the old ass Goonies game from 123 years ago. The download link is kinda hard to notice, it's that box thing with the site logo on it near the middle. "A remake of the 1886 Konami classic platformer". I didn't know Atari was that fucking old. I guess that's when they had wood TVs and shit.

Remake of the old ass Goonies game from 123 years ago. The download link is kinda hard to notice, it's that box thing with the site logo on it near the middle. "A remake of the 1886 Konami classic platformer". I didn't know Atari was that fucking old. I guess that's when they had wood TVs and shit.

yea dawg thats when they used lighting rods to power thier TVs and shit.
all this stuff isnt worth that much!?!?
* Tricell messenger bag
* Chris Redfield figurine
* BSAA patch
* Kijuju-inspired pendant
* Bonus disc
all this stuff isnt worth that much!?!?
* Tricell messenger bag
* Chris Redfield figurine
* BSAA patch
* Kijuju-inspired pendant
* Bonus disc

Yea yea, I guess you're right. But still, what the fuck. $90... My NES cost $100 when I got it, granted that was 21 years ago... you know what? I'm just gonna stop. This is depressing.
Phantasy Star was $75-$80 when it came out for the sega master system and that didnt come with shit. Also bear how much did Super Mario RPG cost me again?
It would be pretty sweet if you were kicking his ass while one of us was on the headset talking shit about his band and his bass playing...

I actually like LOG and I think John is a pretty good bassist..... but.... if he is really gonna get on Live then I don't see why he should be exempt from the usual verbal assault anyone else would get haha.
that was sweet playing street fighter 4 yesterday. what sucks is the stick you have luis, is sold out everywhere even online. the next best thing is a stick made by the same company cept its $120. I think i might cave and buy it now that I like the sticks.

actually they have the exact same one as yours cept its $130

oh it comes with soul calibur 4.. i think thats why its so expensive. this is bullshit! !!! !! ARGH
