With Extreme Prejiduce

This is what someone myspaced the band page

" I was interested in having you guys play an all ages show in Philly towards the beginning of October. Please email me back with the name and telephone number of the band member that takes care of your shows and I will call you with the details.

I don't know if we could do something on that short notice. But, I'd love to get together again and try to get a few songs solid
If we can figure out a date and time to practice I'll be there. I dont care when or how. Any time execpt weekdays between 9 and 5 that is.
MY schedule changes every week, so, picking one day every week would not work for me. The only day I am free 99% of the time is Sunday, and that day PF is usually up to something. So I would have to do the whole "play it by ear" jawn.
I'm sure I could swing a day every week or two, it just wouldn't be the same day every week is what I mean