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Mikey B Nasty
Apr 15, 2008
New York
So after getting Left 4 Dead and COD:World at War for the 360, I've realized that online multiplayer with the general public is becoming increasingly irritating. Killing zombies or Nazis with someone who sounds like they need their diaper changed is not a pleasant experience.

Therefore, I think some Sneap induced mayhem is in order.
360: Randyisgod15
That´s a great Idea! On

PS3: Killerspieler006
360: flexus maximus

Wich game we should play together, dudes ?

Is someone in PS3 HOME ? We could make a "sneapster club" or something like that..just a proposal :)
I might be getting a 360 today! (late christmas present). I'm totally stoked. I already got Gears of War 1&2. My Fiance kicks ass. I don't know if I'll be able to afford online play though, so my brother and I are gonna rip through the GoW games co-op style. If I end up getting a Live account and a gamer tag I'll post it here.
The Gears of War games are fucking fantastic (well the first is anyway, and I assume the second is as well, but even though I have it sitting in my room, I only just sent out my 360 to get repaired so it'll be awhile until I can find out for myself! :(). BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DUDE - get Call of Duty 4. My favorite straight-up FPS of all-time, it is such a masterpiece, especially the multiplayer (but the single-player is incredible too, what a story...)
I totally plan on it. I also need to get Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and a ton of other games that have come out over the years that I could only drool over. I guess I can pretty much kiss my life goodbye at this point, haha. :kickass:
BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DUDE - get Call of Duty 4. My favorite straight-up FPS of all-time, it is such a masterpiece, especially the multiplayer


DUUUDE !!! Damn..I own this masterpiece for PS3 and not for Xbox360. As the game came out, I even don´t went to the toilet 4 days long :lol: I also love this game, especially the multiplayer.

I had the red ring of death 3 times (That´s why I bought the PS3) First I was very disapointed, but the Microsoft service is very good in Germany.
The Gears of War games are fucking fantastic (well the first is anyway, and I assume the second is as well, but even though I have it sitting in my room, I only just sent out my 360 to get repaired so it'll be awhile until I can find out for myself! :(). BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DUDE - get Call of Duty 4. My favorite straight-up FPS of all-time, it is such a masterpiece, especially the multiplayer (but the single-player is incredible too, what a story...)

Gears 2 > Gears 1 by a landslide.
You'll love it dude.
I'm wolfeman28 on Steam... I pretty much own every game you can buy off of Steam so add me and lets play.