GarageBand Tool Style [Real Drums, guitars, bas etc...]


Sep 25, 2008
Tool Style? My recording in a small garage mix&mastering
Real Drums, Guitars, Bas


Stay Metal!
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Cool song! I guess some additional vocal tracks would be great for even more "Tool" sound and it will help vocal to sit in atmospheric mix better.
P.S. Any chance to get the raw tracks for mixing practice?
Cool song! I guess some additional vocal tracks would be great for even more "Tool" sound and it will help vocal to sit in atmospheric mix better.
P.S. Any chance to get the raw tracks for mixing practice?

I'll talk to the Band ;)

- Kick - beta 52
- Snare - sm57
- toms - 3x e604, 1- heil pr 20,
- OH - C2 (hahaha)

Bass - some ashdown amp > full of effect > beta 52
Guitars - cheap Kustom Amp > some zoom effect > sm57
Vocal - Oktava mk319,

All tracks recorded on Focusrite 18i20. Mix ITB.

Stay Metal!
Hey man,

This is pretty decent. There are a number of notes on the vocals that are completely out of pitch though. Needs some work on that front, although his tone is quite good.

The drums sound pretty good. I really like the toms. Kick needs to be louder I think, and I'd use a parallel compression bus to glue the kit together a bit more. The overheads really don't sound that bad!

Guitars are missing some low-end for my tastes. I'm gonna blame the amp and effects unit for that! If you'd like, I could reamp the DI's for you through my Diezel D-Moll?? I'd be quite up for that actually - for reference, see my video here: