
here one!!!!!!!!!!!!
got into them thanx to a review on a mag and I got Two Feet Stand, then sometime later I saw they had released a new thing and I happily found out that the cover was done by Niklas Sundin :)))))))) so I bought Soulburner, and since then I'm a fan :)
Sindustries is great too but weaker IMHO!

now waiting for the next one to come....I heard is to come in late spring...can't wait!!!!!!!!
Soulburner and Two Feet Stand were rather poor, though Soulburner had some good songs with Eric Hawk in the vocals. Sindustries is a nice breath of semi-fresh air in the Gothenburg scene though I still got bored of it rather quickly.
Originally posted by Brutalizer

Most swedish melodic death metal bands sucks!
Especially when they sound exactly like In Flames! :lol:

Was i rude now? :grin:

hm wasn't Gardenian founded by an ex-guitarist of In Flames? Pretty uncreative :D
i dont think you have given them a good listen brutalizer. two feet stand might sound a little bit like in flames but the last two albums SURE dont. they have an original type of sound and their music is amazing. im looking forward to the new release.
I've never heard the band so I can't judge the music but what's up with that name, Gardenian??? It sounds like they're playing daffodil music!!! :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by MacMoney
Perhaps daffodils love metal? The guitarist acted as a tour guitarist with In Flames but I think that was after Gardenian was founded.

Maybe :grin:

We're making history here: new genre invented, DAFFODIL METAL and Gardenian are playing it! :grin: