Gary Moore R.I.P


Cosmic kicker of Elves
Apr 24, 2005
Balloch, Scotland
dont know if anyone has heard, but It has been announced that Gary Moore has passed away in the early hours of this morning.
My thoughts are with his familly.
He was one of the greats and will be sadly missed.
Real shame. I am a big fan of a lot of his blues stuff, I believe he'd just started to play the hard rock again so this is a shocker.

Definitely. He was playing in Cz for the first time last summer and I didn't go, even though I wanted to but couldn't due to some stupid illness, guess I'll regret that forever, I've been told it was pretty good and all hard rock...RIP Gary Moore...
Thank you Gary for your fantastic contribution to music.

Take way too early from us. You will be missed.

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