Actually humans are not infinitely more complex in most every way. True our intelligence and self-conscious are larger than any other species... but there are other animals who are way more developed in other ways than we are... sense of smell, vision, etc.
True, not in every way. But the fact that we are having this conversation speaks libraries, on so many levels, about the difference between humans and ANY member of the non-human animal kingdom.
Homosexuality is quite common amongst higher mammals... thus it is not at all surprising that it exists amongst humans (who are after all also mammals). There are even some species where homosexual activity is the PREFERED mode of sexual activity (I believe there is a species of Walrus that does this... don't qoute me on that). Thus it is OBVIOUS that homosexuality is in fact a part of nature.
The fact that homosexual behavior exists in nature does not change that fact that it is not the norm by any stretch (especially when taking the animal kingdom as a whole) and is not the optimal situation for any species. It is counter-intuitive to nature, based on biology. But again, humans are different and more complex than animals, and we have rights. People can choose homosexuality. They have the right to, and I don't have the right to try and stop them.
Should all married couples be required to reproduce? After all that is only 'natural'. Should vaginal intercourse be the only sexual activity a man and a woman engage in? After all those parts are clearly the one's designed for each other... etc.
Yes, those "parts" are clearly "designed" for each other. But as I said, humans are not just animals, and sex is not just procreation (preemptively, I am not implying that some animals don't have sex for reasons other than procreation). I do not believe that "what we do in the bedroom" should be subject to legislation until it crosses lines that infringe upon the rights or wellbeing of others (rape, etc).
Back to intolerance vs disagreement vs opposition.
The very idea of tolerance and intolerance is based in the fact that there is a disagreement. With no disagreement, tolerance and intolerance don't even exist. Opposition implies an active or passive action based on a disagreement, but also does not have to imply intolerance. Just action based on disagreement.
Let's look at the definition of intolerance:
intolerance Unabridged (v 1.1)
1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.
I am not intolerant of homosexuality or homosexuals, but I disagree that homosexual relationships should share the same status as the traditional family. It is an alternative lifestyle. What homosexuals (and apparently all of you) want is for me put my stamp of approval on something I disagree with. Whether or not that is the real agenda of the gay marriage issue, I cannot judge for each person. But I believe that is the agenda of some. Regardless, I will not put my stamp of approval on it.
I feel the same way about sex outside of marriage. If there was a proposition that wanted to make a law that said, "Sex outside of marriage is a good thing and we approve it", I would vote no. I disagree with the statement, so I don't put my stamp of approval on it. I do not hate people who do it. I am not intolerant. They are not breaking laws. They have the right to do it. Many of them are nice people who contribute to society. They are all valuable individuals. I have no desire to control people. I think imposing my will on people is of no use and has absolutely no value. This applies to how I feel about homosexuals as well.
As long as I am presented with choices, I will make mine based on my views. This is America right? I have that right.
The intolerance comes most often from those who cry intolerance, like many of you, and many in the gay community. They see the disagreement and hate me for it. You feel I have no right to have this view. You may say I have the right to have any view I like, but how many of you would be willing to literally brainwash me to agree with you on this issue, if that was legal?